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I messed up. It was an awful night and I did it.

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so- I never heard back from the ex.


Honestly- it's a relief... because it's justification that it is indeed really 'over'. I started NC... and with starting it... somewhere you feel like there is still 'a chance'. Well, he is letting me know that there isn't.


I guess it's a huge kick in the * * * * to start moving forward in a new direction. Saying goodbye for good to what 'could've' been.


Make sense?

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Bringing this topic back into the forum simply to say something a friend told me that was interesting...


In reference to the $5000 cash BOBO displayed durning the date: My friend immediately said... "He was testing you. He was showing you cash to see how you'd respond." Ok, why would he do that? She said, "Many, many men do this because some women take cash for s* x."


Ok. This completely FLOORED me. WHAT AARTWOEIUEWOU?>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And the more I thought about it... his actions that night all moved in that direction.


This is soooo gross and I can't believe it!!!!

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I guess this is one of those times where failing a test was a good thing..You showed him a beautiful woman with morals, and sent the man home with a bottle of lotion!!





and thank you TAZ. I love ya.

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Did he mistake you for a ??? * * * ???? Gross...good thing you dumped that guy!


RIGHT!!!! Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





I asked my friend that question too. She said- there are a lot of classy woman who take $ in situations like that. She went on to say- he sounds like this is his lifestyle and the way he was approaching you is the way it 'works'.


A couple of things came to mind.. A: How do you know this? B: W T --- F?!


She is a sweet - so (A) is not the case.. but... I just couldn't believe it.


Can dating get ANY STRANGER ????????????????/

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Happens to the best of us.


Usually a bad date sends anyone spiraling into regret or missing their ex, because they remember what was GOOD about the relationship instead of what was bad. Completely normal, don't beat yourself up. Just try again. You might meet a few more guys like the one you described, but you can't stop trying.


They aren't all bad.

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One of the things that attracted me to my current bf is that he did touch me on the first date. I had spent 5 years with a man who had little or no sex drive whatsoever. When T touched me in a very sensual way I was flattered and, well, turned on. I slept with him the next night and we are still together many years later, and the sex is better than ever. If the guy turned you off, I'm sorry, that does make the touching a bit gross. But don't hate him because he made a pass at you, men are made to desire women and vice versa. Doesn't mean they don't see you as people, or you them.

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One of the things that attracted me to my current bf is that he did touch me on the first date. I had spent 5 years with a man who had little or no drive whatsoever. When T touched me in a very sensual way I was flattered and, well, turned on. I slept with him the next night and we are still together many years later, and the is better than ever. If the guy turned you off, I'm sorry, that does make the touching a bit gross. But don't him because he made a pass at you, men are made to desire women and vice versa. Doesn't mean they don't see you as people, or you them.


I don't*** him for making a pass at me. I think the way in which he did it was absolutely absurd.


I agree, though.. that it is nice to know that someone is physically into you for sure... but, it has to be a mutual thing and he wasn't interested in my 'lack' of interest.

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