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I messed up. It was an awful night and I did it.

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So I went on a 'blind date' last night. I was extremely excited b/c I love to get ready and going out for drinks/dinner is a lot of fun and I hadn't been out with anyone since the breakup. So I got myself all pretty; did my nails; wore my hot maroon boots and skinny jeans; felt really good.


So, I got there. In the course of 45 minutes he did the following:

- kept trying to touch me

- kept staring at my bo*bs

- he brought out, and I'm not kidding a wad of cash... like over $5000 in cash held together by a rubber band

- at one point he said that all the hair on his arms was from pleasing himself

- he hugged me goodbye and tried ot grab my butt

- he asked like 4 times to come over and see my place and when I said no asked if I was scared of him.


Ok, so the final point of this is: I got home.... and I cried.... and I missed my ex so stinkin much.... I texted him after almost a month of NC (started by me) and asked if he was awake and could talk...


I heard nothing back.


I'm I a fool???????????


Please help.

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That guy was a catch....you should force yourself to love him so you won't be alone! Just place a bag over his head during sex!!! No problem!! SEGOR...go easy on yourself woman!! You took a chance...you got back out there! You got a good dose of the dating world so it made you miss your ex...to go back to normalcy. Just go back to NC...no big deal! Meanwhile...your story made me laugh and cheered me up! Love yaaaa!!!!!!! (((hugs)))

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I went out with someone before I was ready years ago, and although he wasn't anywhere near as charming as your date (hehe), it ended horribly as well. Sometimes it takes a long time to get over someone, even if your date is totally wonderful and not a slimeball.


You're not a fool for texting your ex. You just miss him. It's totally normal. It's also normal for him not to reply. *hugs*

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That guy was a catch....you should force yourself to love him so you won't be alone! Just place a bag over his head during sex!!! No problem!! SEGOR...go easy on yourself woman!! You took a chance...you got back out there! You got a good dose of the dating world so it made you miss your ex...to go back to normalcy. Just go back to NC...no big deal! Meanwhile...your story made me laugh and cheered me up! Love yaaaa!!!!!!! (((hugs)))



heehee. Can I say W T F ?


I'm so glad that the hair on your arms is beastly and you are a freak of nature.

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I went out with someone before I was ready years ago, and although he wasn't anywhere near as charming as your date (hehe), it ended horribly as well. Sometimes it takes a long time to get over someone, even if your date is totally wonderful and not a slimeball.


You're not a fool for texting your ex. You just miss him. It's totally normal. It's also normal for him not to reply. *hugs*



Why would he not reply?

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That guy was a pure douche bag. Don't worry about it though. Try to laugh it off.


I remember when my ex-boyfriend cheated on me and broke up with me...I went on a date a week later because I just deserved a good time. The guy ended up forcing himself on me and then forcing his fingers in me. Now, I know never to wear a skirt on a first date. I went home in disgust with the male species...and with myself. But, I realized afterwards that I shouldn't be disgusted with myself because I am a good girl, and I didn't deserve that SLIME to touch me like that.


Try not to turn to your ex-boyfriend for comfort. Who set you up with this guy anyways?


I even wore a long scraf thing ... (it was pretty and awesome I might add ) specifically though to not draw attention to that region of my body.


Yikes.. I am sooooo sorry to hear about your experience... what a douche bag indeed!!! Good call on the no skirt idea, but you really shouldn't have to alter your dress style based on losers.


The worst part is... I set myself up with this guy. Dumb.

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Real men do not act this way and they certainly Don't touch or speak to a women that way. There are a lot of us out here that think women are a wonderful gift that walk the earth to make it better and more beautiful. (In spite of our ex's) I think you went out with chimp not a man that was trying to compensate for something that was to small. Please don't lump us all in with BOBO the chimp.

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Real men do not act this way and they certainly Don't touch or speak to a women that way. There are a lot of us out here that think women are a wonderful gift that walk the earth to make it better and more beautiful. (In spite of our ex's) I think you went out with chimp not a man that was trying to compensate for something that was to small. Please don't lump us all in with BOBO the chimp.

I don't lump all men together with BOBO.


Thank you for reassuring words...

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I'm pretty easy to get along with and sincerely try to make people feel comfortable when I meet them.. But, do you think it's an invitation to flat out (flat not being the operative word here..) STARE at the chest region???????????


Eyes- you go for the butt grab?!

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I'm pretty easy to get along with and sincerely try to make people feel comfortable when I meet them.. But, do you think it's an invitation to flat out (flat not being the operative word here..) STARE at the chest region???????????


Eyes- you go for the butt grab?!



I don't think it's an invitation to stare....His behavior sounds super creepy and I think you are absolutely right in listening to your warning bells. However, a few discreet glances and some amount of embarrassment when he's caught can be kind of cute. So I don't think you are crazy, I think you did good!

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Let me see...NO NO AND NO! I hate when men do that! They can at least be inconspicuous! That guy was....ewwwwwwwwww!! I think you should give him some lovin!! lol


I forgot one important detail.


When he was talking about his arms being so hairy do to the self lovin'... he said.. 'look, both arms have equal hair.. maybe it's b/c it takes 2 hands to conquer.. haha'.


I'm going to puke- hold on I'll be right back..

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I forgot one important detail.


When he was talking about his arms being so hairy do to the self lovin'... he said.. 'look, both arms have equal hair.. maybe it's b/c it takes 2 hands to conquer.. haha'.


I'm going to puke- hold on I'll be right back..


Gross! That made me throw up a little in the back of my throat also! I think I would have gone out the bathroom window at that point!

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I'm pretty easy to get along with and sincerely try to make people feel comfortable when I meet them.. But, do you think it's an invitation to flat out (flat not being the operative word here..) STARE at the chest region???????????


Eyes- you go for the butt grab?!


Only with permission.

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