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It happened. I cant sleep, i dunno what to do.

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I got the text from her.


"Because. As much as i want to get over you, im not. And i know there's no chance of getting you again. So all i know to do is be a * * * * * and protect me. That's what my epiphany was about. If i tried harder, we couldve made it."



What the hell do I have to do to make her leave me alone? I've been in hell for 2 months, and now that I'm over her, she does this to me?


I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.


Comments, etc?


Edit: Backstory is here,

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I got the text from her.


"Because. As much as i want to get over you, im not. And i know there's no chance of getting you again. So all i know to do is be a * * * * * and protect me. That's what my epiphany was about. If i tried harder, we couldve made it."



What the hell do I have to do to make her leave me alone? I've been in hell for 2 months, and now that I'm over her, she does this to me?


I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.


Comments, etc?

I'm about to hit the sack, so I won't be able to respond after this post, but what's your backstory? Hard to know what to advise without a little context.

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I don't know the back story, but... did she send you that text completely out of the blue? Was it prompted by anything you did?


She may have been reminded of your past relationship and felt the need to send that out to you. I think if she was really trying to protect herself, she wouldn't have sent that to you at all, and would have deleted your number or something (unless it was in response to something you sent).


I can't really comment further because, again, I don't know if the text is out of the blue. But if it is, then she wants a response. Either you tell her she does have a chance of getting you back, or you tell her that she's correct and that you should both stop contacting each other.

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ultimately you need to decide one thing....1. do you want her back... if the answer is yes then responding something along the terms of

"you were right in everything you said but one...theres a chance" and see where it goes from there..


if the answer is no...then a simple...everything you said was true (if you still want to be friends) you could add to the above line with something like...but im still going to hope that we can be friends..this also leaves a door open for somewhere down the road.


its also ok to say..."there may be a chance but i need time to clear my head...if thats what your looking for...if its not and you are just looking to get over me i understand that but cant we still be nice and respect one another...i still care about you and would hope you feel the same? or am i completely mistaken? "


if it was me and i really cared for the girl and wanted to give it another go id totally go with the first...that lines golden imo.

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I don't think so. I do believe I'm over her. I've tried just about everything to help her let go. She's very unique, and I wouldn't want to lose her as a friend.


She's made a bunch of promises, etc.


I don't want to fall back into the old patterns, but most of the friends I go to for guidance say I should be careful and try it.


My godsister, who's got a husband and a kid on the way, told me that if I'm missing someone for 2 months, I probably made a mistake for leaving them or not fighting for them.


Backstory to that is I'm the kind of person who gets over an ex in a matter of days, so 2 months is a very long time.

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Everyone's "unique". And as far as friendship goes - that will only work if both of you are able to get past your feelings. And it looks right now like she can't.


My question to you is why are you losing sleep over this? You say you're over her, but now you can't deal with her contacting you? You say you get over people in just 2 days, but you also said you've been in hell for 2 months. I'm confused as to what your state of mind is regarding this girl.

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I agree with Zeitgeist. You've said a lot of conflicting things as to your state of mind...


I skimmed through the back story thread you posted, and it sounds like she's been texting you randomly to try to open up the lines of communication again. Even if she ignored you previously, she may have realized that she misses you and wants to give a relationship another shot.


If you still have feelings for her, I'd suggest giving her another shot. Take things slowly. This time you know what patterns to look for. If they start appearing again, then you'll know definitively that it won't work.


p.s. If you're really over her, you shouldn't feel the need to read her texts. Just delete them without reading them.

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Everyone's "unique". And as far as friendship goes - that will only work if both of you are able to get past your feelings. And it looks right now like she can't.


My question to you is why are you losing sleep over this? You say you're over her, but now you can't deal with her contacting you? You say you get over people in just 2 days, but you also said you've been in hell for 2 months. I'm confused as to what your state of mind is regarding this girl.


That's the thing. I figure if I miss someone for this long, obviously the right choice wasn't made.


I agree with Zeitgeist. You've said a lot of conflicting things as to your state of mind...


I skimmed through the back story thread you posted, and it sounds like she's been texting you randomly to try to open up the lines of communication again. Even if she ignored you previously, she may have realized that she misses you and wants to give a relationship another shot.


If you still have feelings for her, I'd suggest giving her another shot. Take things slowly. This time you know what patterns to look for. If they start appearing again, then you'll know definitively that it won't work.


p.s. If you're really over her, you shouldn't feel the need to read her texts. Just delete them without reading them.


I did give her the chance. I told her not to expect much right now, since she messed me over once already. I'll be taking things slowly, and definitely looking for the old patterns.


Thanks to all.

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