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Should I tell her new boyfriend about disease?

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My EX has MRSA. If you don't know what that is, it is Bacteremia due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a highly contagious staff infection that is resistant to the antibiotics used to treat it. It is especially contagious to the elderly and young children. It works on anyone with a weak or weakend immune system. She met her new boyfriend talking in his two young children for afterschool daycare.

I am pretty sure, she is not sharing any information with him. I don't care much about him really cause he was F'ing her before we ended our relationship. Although it is not my problem I feel bad for the kids. If they were to get this, it would be with them for life and could be potentially life threatening.

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Depends on the form of MRSA as to whether or not it's visible.


Anyway, the answer to the original question is a resounding no for two reasons.


(1) It's not your responsibility or an area in which your interference would be welcomed.


(2) About 1 in 3 people carry MRSA, so it's hardly something unusual about which people need to be specially told, or that his children won't have encountered before. If her MRSA is a methicillin-resistant form (which not all are), then other antibiotics will still be able to counter it, so it's not the deadly threat that it might seem (fatalities in children are very rare given the widespread prevalence of the bacteria), and it's easily detectable to a professional.


So don't worry.

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I have MRSA as well. But I have the kind that isn't really contaigious and doesn't have a chance of coming back. I never knew it was something to tell people about though...I've never really told partners about it, though I have just said "Yeah, that scar on my leg is from when I had staph infection." I never thought of it as a sort of STD that I need to worry about. Is it really that bad? I have no idea!


In the OP's case, no, it's not your place to tell him. The kids are more than likely not in danger and you need to stay out of her affair, even if she is just using this guy. Don't try to be a hero.

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Originally Posted by whateverrrrr

She is not licensed for daycare and they are involved with each other.


what does that have to do with anything?


The previous post was saying she could be sued. Thinking that she would have insurance for this sort of thing.

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have MRSA as well. But I have the kind that isn't really contaigious and doesn't have a chance of coming back. I never knew it was something to tell people about though...I've never really told partners about it, though I have just said "Yeah, that scar on my leg is from when I had staph infection." I never thought of it as a sort of STD that I need to worry about. Is it really that bad? I have no idea!


In the OP's case, no, it's not your place to tell him. The kids are more than likely not in danger and you need to stay out of her affair, even if she is just using this guy. Don't try to be a hero.


There is a big, big difference between plain staph and the antibiotic resistant form. If your kid shows up at school with it they send them home and start disinfecting everything in sight. I am not trying to be a hero. I think it is wrong to withhold important information like that. And kids are at risk. If you have a cut or a scrap and touch someone or use athletic equipment.......

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i'm still not understanding where her not being licensed for daycare has anything to do with what you're asking?



If you are licensed for daycare in CA you would have to carry liability insurance and you would be governed by state law to not withhold information on communicable diseases.

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i'm still not understanding where her not being licensed for daycare has anything to do with what you're asking?



If you are licensed for daycare in CA you would have to carry liability insurance and you would be governed by state law to not withhold information on communicable diseases.




and your point? she's not licensed.. so what? does she work in daycare? and if she does, what does it have to do with what you originally posted about?

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MRSA= Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus


MRSA isn't an STD!


There are drugs that are available to treat MRSA. Hospitals are crawling with MRSA. MRSA is preventable.


There are two types of MRSA (nosocomial, i.e., hospital-acquired and CA-MRSA- community aquired). Antibiotics are available to treat both of these MRSA infections.


I am guessing that it's CA-MRSA, since it is in a daycare setting. One very simple way of preventing infection/s is handwashing. I can not emphasize handwashing enough...but yeah, people WASH your hands for 15 seconds with soap and running water! Avoid sharing personal items (e.g., towels, washcloth, razor, clothing, uniform). CA-MRSA is treated with antibiotic drugs such as Bactrim, doxycycline (avoid in children less than eight years of age), and clindamycin.

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It's absolutely none of your business. 1 in 3 people carry mrsa and it only becomes harmful if your immune system is weakened, hence why it becomes a problem in hospitals. How do you know that you don't carry it? You're being extremely petty about this and I suspect this is all about getting one over on your ex rather than a genuine concern about children.

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Thank you for your input. I value what you have to say. I only have what she told me about it and what I can google about it to go on. It is saying that it is inexplicably showing up in the general population as well. If I want to be petty I go in many other directions. And I do have the children's interest in mind. Why is it that the schools were reacting the way they did?


Staph infections, including MRSA, occur most frequently among persons in hospitals and healthcare facilities such as nursing homes and dialysis centers, who have weakened immune systems, however, the manifestation of MRSA infections that are acquired by otherwise healthy individuals, who have not been recently hospitalized, or had a medical procedure such as dialysis, or surgery, first began to emerged in the mid- to late-1990's. These infections in the community are usually manifested as minor skin infections such as pimples and boils. Transmission of MRSA has been reported most frequently in certain populations, e.g., children, sports participants, or as was the case here, jail inmates.[/b][/u]

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Excluding the fact that I had a relationship with her. If I was to ask myself the question, Would I knowingly send one of my kids to a daycare situation where I knew they might possibly contract something like this? The answer would be , hell no! I just asked a question to see how others felt. You people are supposed to be a barometer of public opinion. I feel like I am being attacked. Reality check. People can and do die from this. Wash your hands? Please. How many kids stop to wash thier hands?


Bactrim, doxycycline (avoid in children less than eight years of age), and clindamycin


These antibiotics are getting down the line for a defense against MRSA. It is not just a shot of tetracyline. Some of this is ineffective, have alergic considerations and are not easily tolerated. Oh, and these kids are around eight years of age!

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Do you realize what kids are exposed to in day care and public schools? It's obvious you don't have kids!?! Kids are exposed to EVERYTHING in daycare. It happens.


Oh, and children can be treated with all of the antibiotics you have listed, not sure where you're getting your information from but my son has been treated with all of the above.


And as for how many kids stop to wash their hands? MANY! if they are raised right, they will wash their hands. My son is 3 and refuses to eat or play if he hasn't washed his hands after using the restroom or playing outside or doing somethng where his hands would be dirty. That's also why they make hand sanitizer.


After hearing you say more and reading your recent posts I am thinking you're doing this more out of spite than out of worrying about this guy and his kid.

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Do you realize what kids are exposed to in day care and public schools? It's obvious you don't have kids!?! Kids are exposed to EVERYTHING in daycare. It happens.


Yes I am very aware of what children are exposed to. Maybe if situations like this one were brought to someones attention it might cut down on some exposure!


Oh, and children can be treated with all of the antibiotics you have listed, not sure where you're getting your information from but my son has been treated with all of the above.


It is precisely the over treatment by the medical community with antibiotics at the core of this problem. If your children don't have to take them, that is a good thing. I didn't say they couldn't take them. Maybe you should read and comprehend before you argue.


And as for how many kids stop to wash their hands? MANY! if they are raised right, they will wash their hands. My son is 3 and refuses to eat or play if he hasn't washed his hands after using the restroom or playing outside or doing somethng where his hands would be dirty. That's also why they make hand sanitizer.


And all children are raised right? Correct? You may have taught you child to wash his hands does that mean all kids are like yours.


After hearing you say more and reading your recent posts I am thinking you're doing this more out of spite than out of worrying about this guy and his kid.


If you in fact read my posts I said I don't care about him. He is an adult. The minors in this situation are supposed to be protected against things like this.


I began this thread asking for advice. I probably will not do anything about it. Here is a thought for you. If it was an STD like Herpes that we were talking about, you all would be saying of course you should tell. Herpes, except in extreme cases is not fatal. MRSA has the potential to be fatal.

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I wouldn't be saying anything of the sort. It's just none of your business. MRSA is only potentially fatal in vunerable people with weakened immune systems. Not your average joe bloggs on the street.


What exactly are you going to achieve by saying anything? What do you hope this revelation will lead to?


Perhaps you should find out if you carry MRSA. If you do carry it, and it's highly likely that you might, are you going to inform every potential date/employee of your "disease"?

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Why would you assume that the kids are going to get MRSA? While it is highly contagious in confined areas, it is also easily preventable and treatable when caught in time. Most disinfectants kills it as well as proper hand washing.


Why do the schools make such a big deal? Because with sports and PE classes there is a greater risk of person to person contact and contact with infected materials such as towels and equipment. It lives for a long time if not cleaned properly and if you have even a small open wound you are at risk. A good website to go to is link removed It has some great videos and can answer most questions.


MRSA has been around for a looong time and as stated before many people are carriers. The children are not at risk from your ex any more than they may be at risk from another child or someone in the groc. store or even great-aunt agnes. Most who are carriers aren't even aware that they are.


Since there isn't a great health risk-why would you say anything? I look at it as trying to warn my athletes about the carrier of the common cold-YOU CAN'T. We take precautions-normal precautions, everyday precautions-washing hands, keep wounds covered, wipe down hard surfaces with a disinfectant and wash your clothes.

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Like I originally posted I was asking the opinion of others. My ex had sores all over her body at one point and she was allergic to some of the antibiotics that they tried to treat her with. She had a real difficult time with it. When I researched it on the internet many websites make it sound like a growing problem. Last time I saw her she still had open sores and she was scratching at them.

We are talking about eight year old kids here.

I know that many people carry the bateria. As I also said I probably won't say anything.

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