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I worry/ stress too much about insignificant things!

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I am such a worry-wart. I worry and stress about things that aren't even a big deal! I can't cope with it anymore - I'm worrying myself sick! For example, yesterday I realised that my boss had rostered me on for a day that I can't work, so I'm going to have to find somebody to cover my shift - it's REALLY not that big of a deal, it's just this tiny little insignificant event, yet I've been worrying about it all day and all last night, and can't stop thinking about it! This happens to me ALL the time and I don't know what to do to stop stressing about ABSOLUTELY everything! I know that in the end everything works out and is all okay, yet I'm still such a worry-wart and a stress-pot! Help! How do you help yourself not to stress out?

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Maybe try some meditation techniques. Sit still, block out all noise, close your eyes, and think about something plesant... this could be anything you enjoy... riding a horse, the ocean, etc... take yourself there, focus on it, and don't let your mind stray. This is hard to begin with, you should try maybe just a few minutes, and slowly build up over time. Before you know it you'll spend 1/2 an hour meditating and not even know it. Hope this helps.



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Sometimes I try to take a step back and think about things from an objective point of view. First I figure out if I am worrying about something I can control. If I can't, I try to stop thinking about it. (distract myself actually) If it is something I can control I then figure out when I'm going to be able to do something about it and then try not to think about it until then. Usually it's a process that I have to repeat but it does help.


I wish I could offer some more helpful advice but I can't, I'm the same way.


On a side note, I often feel like I have OCD, with mental symptoms rather than physical.

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That's a good one, clementine orange. I worry about little things like this too, to the point where I lose sleep.


What I do is make a Big list of everything, and start crossing them off when I get things done. The farther along the list I get, the more accomplished it makes me feel, and also the calmer I get because I'm "almost done" with the list. Once you start crossing things out, the stress goes down.

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Maybe try some meditation techniques. Sit still, block out all noise, close your eyes, and think about something plesant... this could be anything you enjoy... riding a horse, the ocean, etc... take yourself there, focus on it, and don't let your mind stray. This is hard to begin with, you should try maybe just a few minutes, and slowly build up over time. Before you know it you'll spend 1/2 an hour meditating and not even know it. Hope this helps.




This does help, thanks. I've been trying meditation but I just haven't been getting into it - I just can't relax myself fully without worrying about things. But like you suggested, I think I'm going to start off just meditating for short amounts of time and then gradually lapse into longer periods. Thanks

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Sometimes I try to take a step back and think about things from an objective point of view. First I figure out if I am worrying about something I can control. If I can't, I try to stop thinking about it. (distract myself actually) If it is something I can control I then figure out when I'm going to be able to do something about it and then try not to think about it until then. Usually it's a process that I have to repeat but it does help.


I wish I could offer some more helpful advice but I can't, I'm the same way.


On a side note, I often feel like I have OCD, with mental symptoms rather than physical.


No that's very helpful, thanks. I've never thought about looking at things in an objective point of view. & I know exactly how you feel about the OCD thing.

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You have to "worst case scenario" the situation. So your boss put you on a day you can't work. Tell him NOW that you can't work that day but forget to tell them. Give yourself time to find a replacement.


What is the worst case scenario? This is what you're worrying about.

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