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Gym - a bad place to flirt?


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when i go to the gym, i've usually got limited time, and i'm trying to get a hard workout in. often, i'm also trying to blow off stress or get my mind off something. so for me, it's far from the ideal environment for that. the only thing i'd be receptive to is if someone approached in between sets for a quick chat, but i don't think girls really do that in gyms. in fact, i'd probably not be all that receptive because i'd be out of breath and gearing up for my next set. so scratch that. i'm not going to approach anyone, because most often i woudln't want to be approached.


that said, man, there are some hot girls at the gym. it's hard to not look around.

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I was at the gym a few days ago, chucked a bit of water at the girl on the treadmill beside me, said she was looking hot, so i cooled her down. Seemed to work


I'll bet she cooled down! If I were a woman I'd have the goonish PT gym rat throw you out for harassing me...

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I'm not into flirting at the gym. Like another poster said, I only get a short amount of time to work out if I get the chance and I just want to focus on that. I also don't do the things I would do if I was looking to attract someone (such as wear something nice, do my hair etc) so I'd feel self-conscious if someone flirted with me at the gym. No one has ever tried to hit on me at the gym thankfully so it hasn't been an issue!

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i saw a brunette at the gym whom i've never seen before. little hottie. i gave her a look when i was close to her longer than i usually do. she was checking me out the rest of her workout. still no vocals exchanged though. :S

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This is interesting because there's a guy at the gym who I think is really cute. He seems real laid back and I like that. The atmosphere at my gym is different though, I think. It is a pretty social place since it's a small gym. The guys who lift the heavy weights (he's one of them) all joke around while they're working out and all play basketball together.


I know he's noticed me, but I can't tell if he's checking me our or noticing that I'm checking him out. He's never alone so I don't really see an opportunity to talk to him. I really am interested to see what he's like though.


I should probably just forget about it, he's out of my league haha.

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I do check him out, haha. Believe me. And I see him looking back sometimes, but again I can't tell if it's because he's interested or he's like, "wow why does that weird girl keep looking at me!" And I feel if I try to be more obvious and smile, his friends will notice (again it's a very small gym) and I'll look like an idiot.


There are such things as leagues unfortunately. But I'll change it and say I doubt I'm his type. He's very fit and very fit guys *tend* to go for very fit girls. You've even said so yourself. And I do go to the gym six days a week, but my body doesn't show it. Then you add on the fact that he's much more attractive than I am...yea not looking good for me.


It's funny though because there's another guy there who is more "typically" attractive, but he's 19 and I would never go for him. I have no problem talking to him! Because it doesn't matter, haha.


Sorry to hijack....

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That's what I mean though. People who are fit tend to find other fit people attractive. He's very fit and it shows, while it doesn't for me. I don't think I'd be his type in that way and that's why I say he's out of my league.


Plus now with all of these people saying they want to be left alone at the gym, makes me think I should just leave it alone.

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That's what I mean though. People who are fit tend to find other fit people attractive. He's very fit and it shows, while it doesn't for me. I don't think I'd be his type in that way and that's why I say he's out of my league.


Plus now with all of these people saying they want to be left alone at the gym, makes me think I should just leave it alone.


i do focus on my workout. but given the opportunity i have no shot as talking to a girl at the gym. between sets, cardio, their earphones, etc, when is the chance?

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Yeah, I'm just there so that I can concentrate on my workout in order to pick up the chickies on the outside.



Nah, I seriously go to the gym and workout because it makes me feel more confident.


that's a valid reason i guess. i do it for fitness and taking care of myself.

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I go because I like seeing how much my body is capable of. I was overweight for a bit as a kid, always "chunky," and I never thought I could do what I'm doing now. Every time I do something at the gym when I didn't think I could, it's such a rush.

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  • 1 month later...

Kinda old thread, but I was wondering about this today.


I notice a lot of people view the gym as a "me" place, and I understand that. When I'm on a treadmill or an erg I don't want to be bothered, and even if someone did start talking to me I wouldn't have enough breathe to get more than 3 words out.


But every time I go, I notice a lot of girls looking at me...some new ones and others that I see there every day. I'm just wondering if it's any different for my age, because I guarantee you most girls my age aren't THAT serious about their workout...a lot of times I see them taking 10 minute rests between ab sets. I wouldn't bother anyone while they're on a machine, but otherwise, I don't see what the big deal is to say hi and talk a bit.


There was a cute girl I saw for the first time today who smiled at me when I came in. She later came and sat next to me when I was doing abs. I wanted to say something...but you've gotta admit, it's hard to come up with things to say in the gym! Plus I was feeling really exhausted and burnt out. Oh well, hopefully I'll see her again soon.

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