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When the thoughts come

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I need help..I haven't been able to sleep for the past couple weeks. I lie down and that is when all of my doubts and all of my fears and all of the what ifs find me...

How do you still a racing mind? Last night I couldn't sleep at all, I literally didn't sleep at all...I had a little nap late morning...I am exhausted, I am fuzzy and disoriented and yet I still can't sleep...my body is so tense that every muscle aches and my mind is going a mile a minute...

How do I find peace in the night?

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Thats a tough one. Easy to say but not easy to do. I think ultimately it only comes when you make a move and then never look back. But how do you ever do that 100%? How do you ever make it like flipping a switch? Not easy.


Exercise. Run in the evenings and wear yourself out. Get the endorphins flowing and give yourself some physical tiredness (aside from the mental/emotional tiredness)


Yoga. Try it!


A simple walk in the woods.

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It happens to me too. The crazy thing is I bet half of it's not even logical stuff, stuff that wouldn't bother you in the daytime but as soon as it's dark........ they overwhelm you. It's funny you mention this because I'm only on this site now because I didn't sleep at all last night for worrying. I've been on here for about twelve hours now, it's midday.

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It happens to me too. The crazy thing is I bet half of it's not even logical stuff, stuff that wouldn't bother you in the daytime but as soon as it's dark........ they overwhelm you. It's funny you mention this because I'm only on this site now because I didn't sleep at all last night for worrying. I've been on here for about twelve hours now, it's midday.


Its so frustrating...I just wrote a post about looking forward and being strong in my plans and following my dreams but then I go to bed and lie in the bed I have shared with my husband for over 2 years and i find it impossible to sleep and impossible to not wonder if i am making a huge mistake, its like all of my strength and resolve leave me...I need sleep I can't handle how i feel from the lack of sleep...I don't even feel human anymore...

Any over the counter drugs anyone can recommend?

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Hey I know how difficult it can be to fall asleep. I've been there. THere are a few things you can do if you haven't tried.


First off, exercise is key. Try to exercise every day. Also, don't drink caffeine or alcohol after 3 pm. In addition, do not take naps longer than 1 hour a day or after 3pm (that way you will be tired enough to fall asleep at the appropriate time). About an hour or a half hour before you go to bed, dim the lights in your room and relax. Read a book or light some scented candles (just don't do work!). The dimming of the lights will raise your melatonin levels (which will help you become drowsy). What you can also do are some breathing exercises such as holding your breath for 4 seconds, exhaling for 4 seconds and inhaling for 3. Meditation and relaxing music are options as well.


Also you should try to figure out what is going on at night to cause you to think so much. I truly believe when things in life are where you want them to be, sleep comes naturally. Tackle these issues and your sleeping will most likely improve! Hope this helps!

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Is it only a quite recent thing? How long has this been happening to you?


I have always had trouble falling asleep but since my husband and i have separated its been way worse...before it would take me like an hour to fall asleep now i just can't...i will be up for literally hours on end...

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Over the counter drugs are a good idea, but I would not start them until you try to tackle the issues going on in your life and the other recommendations. Being dependent on drugs for sleep will deprive you of quality sleep for a very long time since the sleep you get on opiates does not send you into REM (the type of sleep that is truly restorative) as often as natural sleep. Drugs are good for getting over the hump, but not good if you are dependent. Be very careful!

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Kuiks8, is it just that one issue? Or is it that major issue with lots of little worries snowballed into it? Can you just not fall asleep or does it actually affect your body too, were you're a little panicky and restless? (Sorry for the interrogation)

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Kuiks8, is it just that one issue? Or is it that major issue with lots of little worries snowballed into it? Can you just not fall asleep or does it actually affect your body too, were you're a little panicky and restless? (Sorry for the interrogation)


it definitely affects my body too...definitely panicky and restless...

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Um, what I'm to recommend really isn't the best long-term solution. But it does help me when I can't get to sleep.


I suggest a nightcap. Have a beer or two. It'll fuzz the mind just a little bit, getting rid of the racing mind by slightly retarding the trains of thought. Neurotransmitters being blocked in the synapse clefts and such. In laymans terms, just drink a little bit to be tipst, and you'll sleep like a baby.


I'm offering this solution because your problem is temporary. Only time heals these kinds of traumas, so you've just got to get through the next bit.

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If it's happening to you like it does to me, excercise and all that other stuff probably won't be able to stop it. I'd recommend anti- depressants, one that helps with anxiety too.

I've progressed to having full on panic attacks, you don't want it to get that far.

I know it's hard because you can be the most happiest person during the day, but come bed time..............

Also, a really weird thing that kinda helped me.... Do you have a pet? A dog or a cat? I find I am able to control everything a bit better if I have my cat sleeping on the bed with me. I don't know why.

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If it's happening to you like it does to me, excercise and all that other stuff probably won't be able to stop it. I'd recommend anti- depressants, one that helps with anxiety too.

I've progressed to having full on panic attacks, you don't want it to get that far.

I know it's hard because you can be the most happiest person during the day, but come bed time..............

Also, a really weird thing that kinda helped me.... Do you have a pet? A dog or a cat? I find I am able to control everything a bit better if I have my cat sleeping on the bed with me. I don't know why.


I do have a dog but she is HUGE she would take up my whole bed..I have been avoiding going back on A/D's but it looks like i might have to ugh...

I just have soo much going on its hard to think straight...I used to get panic attacks...I hate them I felt like i was dying when i would get them lol!

Thanks for the help!!!

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Um, what I'm to recommend really isn't the best long-term solution. But it does help me when I can't get to sleep.


I suggest a nightcap. Have a beer or two. It'll fuzz the mind just a little bit, getting rid of the racing mind by slightly retarding the trains of thought. Neurotransmitters being blocked in the synapse clefts and such. In laymans terms, just drink a little bit to be tipst, and you'll sleep like a baby.


I'm offering this solution because your problem is temporary. Only time heals these kinds of traumas, so you've just got to get through the next bit.


Thanks for the suggestion unfortunately i don't drink

I know i have to give myself time...I am working on it!

Thanks again!

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Listen to enya

Or any relaxing music really, but I'm just biased towards Enya.

Had a similar situation once where I was afraid of losing someone I cared about and I noted that listening to music let me get my feelings out. If i didn't, I would be stressed or panicky too and often couldn't sleep because there was too much on my mind. Just find an outlet for all your feelings, could be music or anything that works for you.

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Hey kuiks -


My sister had this problem. She tried the exercise, cutting out caffeing, seeing a therapist ... nothing helped. She would be up all night until 6-7 am, fall asleep for an hour ... She was getting exhausted.


Her doctor gave her a prescription for a small dose of Ambien (sleeping pill), and that would allow her to get some sleep. Unfortunately it is habit forming, so she slowly tried to wean herself off by taking 1/2 pill, 1/4 pill. Now she is where she only takes it nights when she can't fall asleep.


Just something to think about.

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Hey kuiks -


My sister had this problem. She tried the exercise, cutting out caffeing, seeing a therapist ... nothing helped. She would be up all night until 6-7 am, fall asleep for an hour ... She was getting exhausted.


Her doctor gave her a prescription for a small dose of Ambien (sleeping pill), and that would allow her to get some sleep. Unfortunately it is habit forming, so she slowly tried to wean herself off by taking 1/2 pill, 1/4 pill. Now she is where she only takes it nights when she can't fall asleep.


Just something to think about.


I wanted to avoid going the drug route but i think i might have to if this doesn't stop...I need to get some sleep...i am pretty much at the end of my rope...snapping at everyone and anything...thanks for the suggestion

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do you work out in the morning or at night? i know if i have a late workout, i'm up all night. i'm up late naturally anyways, but i really can't sleep if i do a bunch of cardio at night.


maybe try warm milk. i know it really works for some people.


but i do think you have a lot to think about with this separation thing. i think your mind is wondering what your family/friends think, if you are going to meet someone else, etc. you have to focus on yourself and how you want to be better for you. maybe you decide to go your separate ways. you have to be positive and think of the great guy in your future. maybe you do meet the most perfect person in the world, maybe you don't. that's how i think. and it never bothers me.


anything can be an issue though. you need to figure out what you think about most now and try and put that at ease before bedtime.

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Hey hun, welcome to my world!!! LOL Situations may be different but the outcome seems to be the same... Anxiety/Depression. I know all too well what it's like to not sleep and have your mind go a mile a minute and have no idea how to slow the thoughts. I've been going through a pretty tough time for about 7 months now and just joined this site to hopefully help get myself back on track. I haven't posted anything about myself yet, just read a few threads to see what the site is all about. I don't think I'm the best person to give advice right now, so instead I'll just say this...


You seem to be a very sweet, caring, intelligent woman; and if that pic is in fact you, then you can also add quite attractive to that list as well. There are definitely a lot of people on this site who genuinely want to help anyone in need, so keep typing! No matter how horrible you may feel you can always be certain that you’re bringing a smile to many faces every time you post on here. Simply because you're still here and haven't given up. When it comes down to it, you're the only one who's gonna know how to get your life back together. The hard part is finding out how; trust me, I know... Just keep smiling!!!

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That used to happen to me too. Especially after something major like my biggest breakup. But the only way I dealt with it is to completely exhaust yourself before you try and go to bed. Then you'll fall asleep and STAY asleep. I'd be up and around until I was ready to drop. The other thing I did was read, reading knocks me out like a baby.


Hope that helped.

Take care,


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I'll tell you what i do.

One of two unhealthy things:

1)stay up all night playing around the fairgrounds with a friend and then go to work in the morning.

2)Drink 2 shots of rum in one glass of OJ and take a hot bath. Listen to some nice calming music (NIN for me) dry off, and cuddle up to bed.

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I'll tell you what i do.

One of two unhealthy things:

1)stay up all night playing around the fairgrounds with a friend and then go to work in the morning.

2)Drink 2 shots of rum in one glass of OJ and take a hot bath. Listen to some nice calming music (NIN for me) dry off, and cuddle up to bed.


NIN eh...you're hilarious!!! I will try the latter..no fairgrounds around here!

Thanks ED!!!

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