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The Dreaded Dry Spell


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Sex is always deathly important when you're not getting any, and seemingly unimportant most of the time when you are. Not that it's not really great, but it's just a lot lower on the priority list. Funny how that works. My longest in a relationship is 4 months (studying abroad), and outside of a relationship was over 6 months. That was tough. It was mostly by choice because I was so messed up over my breakup, but I was in no mental postion at all to get jiggy with anyone. It can really mess with your head sometimes. In my head, if I slept with someone new then my last relationship would be over although in reality it was already well over. I went out on a "hot date" on NYE with a beautiful yoga instructor. She wanted to take me home with her. I said "I don't sleep with anyone until the 14th date". I'm not sure why I thought that was funny at the time, but it's not a fantastic plan if you're looking to get laid.


Here's a great line though... If some woman tells you that she wants to sleep with you, you say "My body says 'yes', and my mind says 'yes'.... but my emotions just aren't quite there yet." Then she'll probably hit you in the arm and screw the living hell out of you.


As for being a virgin, I can remember being 17, being a virgin, and freaking the hell out. I made it into such a huge deal. I can remember the first time I slept with a woman, and afterwards she said "Can you believe that there are guys out there that are virgins? I just can't believe it." Haha. I can't remember exactly, but I probably said, "Totally. Crazy."


It's funny to me (kind of funny I suppose) how easy it might be for some guys out there if they just starting telling women "I'm a virgin. You're cute. I want you to be my first." They may even think that you're kidding, but cute for trying to use some stupid line on them. Most women wouldn't do it, but some would, and some would probably take pride in taking your virginity from you.

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I think I might be in one of the phases right now. This is a terrible thing to say but sometimes, it just doesn't seem worth the effort.


I just had a long string of bad relationships and bad breakups and whatnot


Yup. Me too. And it's my longest dry spell since I first decided to get sexually involved.


Almost a year. Gasp. But it's been fine. Moments, yes, where I question it.


But it's for sure been for the best, and yes, by choice.


It's a good sign that I now look forward to "breaking" the spell - but am not so eager that it can be just anyone.


I've gotten a lot pickier in my "old age" haha (28).

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The longest I've gone without sex is for two months. I was in a relationship at the time, and the guy was my first. Then it only took me a few weeks after breaking up with him to sleep with someone else. Now I'm with that guy and we have sex roughly ten times a week. So I suppose I've never had a terribly long "dry" spell...I think I'm getting spoiled. =)

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You know, I hadn't really thought about it... Wow, almost a year! Amazing. It really doesn't bother me. I have a lot of other things going on in my life. I have neither the time nor the inclination for a relationship at the moment and, between wild fornication and making love, I'll take the latter every time. I've done both (and the former with absolute stunners) but I'm seeking peak, not promiscuity.


Though I AM going to Vegas this weekend... I probably didn't just get a hair cut for no particular reason.


To be honest, with not having sex being 'tough,' I really have to smirk at that. You can't be serious. How about living on the street, with rotten teeth and no prospects? Sex is great but it's really just another joyous act, in the absense of love. Life is full of joyous moments, many more rare than getting sweaty with a stranger. Over doing 'it' seems... I don't know, like you're murdering the sanctity of the act. A human being was not meant for such things.


Joyful moment: a friend of mine running up to me and saying, truly exasperated, "I turned down anal sex twice in the last two days!" Truly, I did rejoice to hear such a statement. Such things don't happen every day. I laughed for hours. Still, not something I'd ever imagine saying. Hell, I'd never turn down anal! Wait a minute, I lost my point.


Okay, okay: they talk about Gene Simmons having sex with however many women and I think to myself... What does it mean, then? What's the value? If they're just moments in the past, why bother at all?


I don't view it as 'tough.' Just more seconds to anticipate future glories (the wonder of youth, eh?). Every time I've had sex it has been special, important for separate and significant reasons... Even the one nighters.


Still, if you just love to orgasm, who am I to judge? May your boinking be numerous, mirthful and just-that-special kind of squelchy!

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Longest was 18 months. Last time I had sex was end of January. So it's been about 2.5 months but I really don't care. My sex drive has taken a nose dive for the past 5 months anyway and right now sex is the last thing I'm thinking of. To be honest, I'm very happy that my sex drive is very low these days since there aren't females around me anyway. It would have been hell otherwise.

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To be honest, with not having sex being 'tough,' I really have to smirk at that. You can't be serious. How about living on the street, with rotten teeth and no prospects? Sex is great but it's really just another joyous act, in the absense of love. Life is full of joyous moments, many more rare than getting sweaty with a stranger. Over doing 'it' seems... I don't know, like you're murdering the sanctity of the act. A human being was not meant for such things.


I don't view it as 'tough.' Just more seconds to anticipate future glories (the wonder of youth, eh?). Every time I've had sex it has been special, important for separate and significant reasons... Even the one nighters.


Still, if you just love to orgasm, who am I to judge? May your boinking be numerous, mirthful and just-that-special kind of squelchy!


Maybe tough is the wrong word. How about frustrating? I mean, sure there are worse things in life then not getting laid, and plenty of other things to bring someone joy to your life. It's not like a person could die from lack of sex. And for my drought, there were times it didn't bother me at all and was the last thing on my mind to worry about. Now it's just becoming more annoying if anything, really. Also, thanks for all the post everyone, I'm a big fan of ENA!

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