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Friend's Wedding Guest List

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My friend is getting married to a guy that is really nice. His family is very close to another family. The guy has a brother-sister relationship to the girl who is in the other family. My friend really doesn't like this girl, who is very sweet, I know her. I think my friend doesn't like her because of the past this girl from the other family has with my friend's fiance. My friend wants to invite the whole family except for this girl and was asking me the polite way to go about this. My friend would invite the parents and the brother and his wife. I didn't give my opinion because I don't want to cause any more drama to this situation. I would just invite the whole family to avoid any hurt feelings and everything else that went with it. I believe she would not only hurt her fiance, but his family and his parent's friend's family. I was wondering what your take would be on this situation.

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I think it petty to excluded her, especially if she is a friend of the grooms. I'd advise your friend to suck it up and think of her husband-to-be's feelings and how he would most likely want her at the wedding. Its not like the girl is going to be in their wedding party or anything, its just one person and excluding her would look really bad.

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