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no point in contacting her mustang, just let it go because as you say it will just be twisted around later, alot of what they do is self preservation, they could make life easier on the dumpee but it would make it harder on them, sometimes they just run away from the situation instead of confronting it and sorting it out in a mature fashion.


heal yourself go and keep NC , i speak from experience here i tried to remain friends but only ended up hurting myself more, NC and then when you have healed and truly healed can you go down the friends route.

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NC and then when you have healed and truly healed can you go down the friends route.


To be honest, once all my feelings go, I can't see how I'll ever be friends with her. I think that's why I'm even more upset in a way. Because it's dead. Completely. Not even friendship.


How will I be able to look her in the eyes after what she's put me through?

How can I wish her well as a friend in the future? I will always have that memory.


It's a shame but in the end, it'll be her loss.

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To be honest, once all my feelings go, I can't see how I'll ever be friends with her. I think that's why I'm even more upset in a way. Because it's dead. Completely. Not even friendship.


How will I be able to look her in the eyes after what she's put me through?

How can I wish her well as a friend in the future? I will always have that memory.


It's a shame but in the end, it'll be her loss.


Mustang, I totally feel the same way. My STBX ended things in such an incredibly unprovoked and disrespectful way that I would never be able to trust or respect him even as a friend! I don't want him to be my enemy, I just want the divorce finalized and everything over so that we can both just go our separate ways.


It is hard for me to sometimes want to call him soooooo badly, but at the same time, I never want to see him again. Makes me feel insane....

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