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am I right holding myself back? should we break up?


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well, he can only see me once a week, a few hours. (he's to work two jobs, really busy)


so when I see him, I'm happy, I don't want to hide my feelings when he's with me. but the rest of the week, when I can't see him, I'm trying to hold myself back, if I don't, I'll miss him sooo much and feels miserable that I can't see him, he calls every day but I still miss him.


am I right holding myself back? I'm trying to break off with him, but it seems hard too, we just like each other so much. I'm keep telling myself this's not the life I want, I deserve someone who has time with me, but I can't stop missing him.

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welcome to enotalone. i'd do some thinking about what you want from a man and a relationship. do you need to be with someone more than a few hours a week? i think that's understandable. if he isn't giving you what you need, then tell him thanks for everything, but you aren't getting your needs met from this relationship, and then go forth and meet others.

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thanks very much. yes, the situation is quite same.

I've talked to him, I told him I want to see him every day. I'm feeling he's making the effort, trying to see me even two hours. I bet he's tired...but I always want more than he can. and I guess now he feels stressed when I start talking about that again.


I did wish that my feelings for him fade, so it won't be too hard for both of us...I even told him we might stop seeing each other. but he doesn't want to let it go...

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i dunno. i can see both sides here but its not his fault. the guy is making the effort and trying. Its better to have that than the possibility of being with someone that does have the time but wont make it for you. This guy may not have it but is still trying to make the effort. How long is he working these two jobs? If you really wanna rid these feelings than just cut him off but dont rule out the possiblity of it hurting more cause techinically he didnt do anything wrong. you want more than he can give. if its really the case than do what you gotta do. It just doesnt seem fair to him that you would wanna end it cause of that.

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