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What's the next step?


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For a couple months (actually 2 months to the day), I've been in quite a lull with women. Ever since a girl I thought was "great" rejected me on Valentine's Day, I hit a wall. I decided to lay low and see where things take me. Fast forward to now, and I have 2 potential options in terms of girls, and all of it transpired quite recently.


Girl #1 is in one of my smaller classes. I get along with her pretty well, but I never have a lot of time to talk to her. One of us usually gets to class just before it starts, during the brief break we get everyone is around, so it's just general talking, and my $$ time to talk to her is usually a 1-2 minute walk after class. The next time I see her, my goal is to ask what she does on the weekends, and try to get something going from there (not necessaily a date, but a chance to hang out.)


Girl #2 I actually just met. As in a couple nights ago. I met her at a party and she's pretty cool. I went against my usual mindset and was convinced she had a bf (usually I'm right on these kind of things), so I didn't go all-out at the party (she's single). Somehow, I was the only one out of my friends to ask her name, so obviously I'm the one she knows most. We ran into each other yesterday and talked for a few minutes as well (I have the C+F going). The challenge here, of course, is to get her to hang out next weekend.


So, what's the next move, more than just asking them out eventually? One girl I only see in class, the other I've only seen on the weekend. Thanks to Facebook, it's not tough to communicate with either, but I need a number soon. Also, I don't feel I know either well enough yet to ask out...it's finding that medium where I know them well enough, but not too well so I am "just a friend."


Just for comparison's sake...Girl #1 is attractive (an 8 )and when we do talk, I've been able to get her to do most of the talking lately. We've had a few good chats, but these short talks are simply not enough. In addition, she appears to be pretty smart and won't give anything away (keeps her cards close to her chest). Girl #2 is stunningly attractive (atleast a 9) and I was shocked she initiated the conversation with my friends and I (party) and then stayed around to talk when we ran into each other the next day. She seems cool, but I know even less about her (than girl #1) because we met at a party.


I'll probably hear the general things here, but is there anything specific I should keep in mind?

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Well... I guess the main question would be, has either really given a distinct indication of being interested in that way? The class girl sounds like the easiest to have an 'in' with in terms of you both sharing that class, and you know that you'll be in the same place as her at least once a week if not more. obviously the usual ideas of discussing the class can be used, as well as 'hey, I'm going to grab a coffee after class. Want to come?' would be my first attempt. Coffee places are always around campus', and its a neutral place to meet, where you can start talking about weekend stuff, etc, and where you'll be relatively certain to have her attention for at least 20-30 minutes.

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Well... I guess the main question would be, has either really given a distinct indication of being interested in that way? The class girl sounds like the easiest to have an 'in' with in terms of you both sharing that class, and you know that you'll be in the same place as her at least once a week if not more. obviously the usual ideas of discussing the class can be used, as well as 'hey, I'm going to grab a coffee after class. Want to come?' would be my first attempt. Coffee places are always around campus', and its a neutral place to meet, where you can start talking about weekend stuff, etc, and where you'll be relatively certain to have her attention for at least 20-30 minutes.


Neither have given me a definite signal yet, and I don't feel I know either well enough for one to come up right now.


The girl in class is definitely easier to see, as you said - we have class twice a week and the class size is relatively small. I would consider the small meet-up thing - I don't drink coffee though, so I would probably try the Student Union instead. However, one of the two days I have a class right after, so I can't do anything on that day.


I like the idea though. I have a tiny twinge in my gut that says I may have a better shot with girl #2 than girl #1. I know girl #1 a little better, but something tells me the fact she is playing her cards too close to her chest isn't a good thing. Girl #2 I don't know real well either, but we get along and it may actually be easier to ask what she plans on doing this coming weekend. We will see.

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