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hair loss

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My hair falls out a ton! Mostly during showers and from brushing my hair. I am so gentle, i start from the bottom and go up top. I take a multivitamin reg. I also take a fish oil capsule. I also went and saw a dermatologist and he gave me special shampoo that I use reg. I have noticed no changes. It still falls out. I just had my blood tested for iron and thyroid levels. both normal.


Has anyone had a similar problem? what did you do? Do you think taking extra iron could help?


thanks for any advice!

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When I had my long, shag hair, dyed solid black too by the way. I noticed tonz of hair in my comb, or in my tub and all over my bathroom, but I've since shaven my head and I still have very thick hair, and no hair loss.


I never noticed it when my hair is short, but when it's long I can actually notice the strands of hair. Maybe this will help you out?



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I have a couple g/fs who lost hair for different reasons. Have you been to see a doctor? For my one g/f it was just stress and over processing. The other one ended up having a serious disorder and lost all of her hair. I wouldn't mess around with it definitely consult your physician.

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definitely keep visiting your doctor regularly or don't even be scared to get a second opinion if you get no results from this doctor. My friend went through this too when she was around 17 years old, She had her thyroid and everything checked. I don't think it happens to her anymore but she has really thin hair. Make sure you stay away from styling products, heat-styling your hair, and/or dying your hair cuz it could cause the situation to worsen.

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Is that the only symptom you have? Because it could be a sign of a hormonal problem. For example PCOS is a condition that makes the female body produce too many androgens (the male hormone) and in turn causes hair thinning and loss and other symptoms. You'd have to get tested though. Anyway, I had the same problem as you. No special shampoos or multivitamins would fix it. You know what really worked for me? I heard about flax seed oil being good for hair loss so I decided to try it, and it has really worked! I have sooo much more hair now, it still falls out somewhat, but It's much fuller and there's so much more of it now. Besides, I saw other changes like my nails growing a lot faster and stronger. It's a very beneficial supplement.

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