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50 bucks says Joey from Real World Hollywood is going to come out gay during the show

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50 bucks says Joey from Real World Hollywood is going to come out gay during the show. Watch the new episode this week, u can watch it on demand if you have comcast before it aires. At the end of the new episode it preview some of the highlights to come this season and it shows Joey breaking down crying saying that 'its so hard to admit', I think he is coming out.

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I have nothing against gay/homosexuals, so don't take this personally...but why are you telling everyone this?


Are you trying to get accross something?


IMO, please don't watch these stupid reality shows...people in this day and age are so sucked into television and watching someone else's drama/life/dream come true RATHER than having their OWN life, their OWN drama, their OWN story...it really makes me sad how people are so addicted to them. If you think your life is so boring you have to watch someone else's...then ...I don't even know what to say to you...

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I love reality tv. Can't get enough of it. I don't feel like it's taken anything away from my life...still have plenty going on including my fair share of drama.


Anyway, as to whether or not this guy will come out, I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

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I have nothing against gay/homosexuals, so don't take this personally...but why are you telling everyone this?


Are you trying to get accross something?


IMO, please don't watch these stupid reality shows...people in this day and age are so sucked into television and watching someone else's drama/life/dream come true RATHER than having their OWN life, their OWN drama, their OWN story...it really makes me sad how people are so addicted to them. If you think your life is so boring you have to watch someone else's...then ...I don't even know what to say to you...


such hostility.

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such hostility.


Hostility? for my opinion on it? I told him I had nothing against him...what shows do you watch? I would love to know...


I mean, really...do you KNOW how many people watch reality TV on a daily basis? It's funny because it's even called "reality" when in such a sense, it's the FURTHEST thing from it. People were finally beginning to pull themselves away from television and go out more often in this time before reality TV hit its peak...then they're right back where they are again....clamoring around their new favorite show "Oh Oh what's gonna happen in next week's episode?!?!" I'm not trying to blame television, because it's not anyone's fault but their own for being drawn in to the "set."


Eh...I guess I can't say much, if you want to consider it a biased opinion, it is...but I can't stand to say I have 4 other roomates, and all of them being guys, 3 of them sit around and DVR every episode of "American Idol," "America's Next Top Model," , "Top Chef," "Tila Tequila," and "Real World and wonder why they aren't getting anywhere in life, or why they aren't getting any better at learning guitar, magic or whatever hobbies they've picked up around the house(hell one even owes me rent money for not working enough and I had to cover him)...it's not television's fault though, I was wrong to blame it, it just...didn't help. Not to mention my g/f who talks to me all about them every week and yells at people playing "real" characters on television for "getting back with that one ex that cheated on her."


If you want to sit on your couch and watch someone else's dreams come true, or watch their life be destroyed on TV....go right ahead, this is the world we live in, but I'm not gonna sit around and watch someone else's life though...I've got better things to do.


Oh and lady00, I'm glad for you...just keep it that way!


And I'm not going to respond to any other responses, I've spoken my opinion, yes it's biased... I'll blame the people from now on then that can't take responsibility for their own discipline in life.


ATL, if you're right, you're not getting a $50 from me tho

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