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do and don'ts on first dates


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Even if you're nervous, remember to make eye contact with your date! There's nothing more unsettling than a date who talks to the space just beyond your shoulder or constantly fidgets and looks around the room...

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I have a good list from a guys perspective that has served me extremely well up till now:

These are catered to a typical dinner date which is most common I guess still these days

(These are assuming you like your date and want to make a good impression)


1) Make settle compliments but don't overdue it as this may seem dishonest.

2) Ask questions and show interest in what they are all about

3) Allow the lady to order first and cater to her order if appropriate, what I mean by that is if she wants a glass of red wine, instead of getting a pint of beer offer to share a bottle with her, they usually have better quality wines by the bottle, she will be impressed.

4) Offer her dessert at the end of the meal, if you feel it then offer to share a dessert as this may give access to a bit of flirting and feeding each other which is fun

5) Don't try to impress her by getting too dressed up for the occasion which may make you seem fake or like you're trying to hard, dress according to venue

6) Smile alot and make eye contact, never be the one to disengage eye contact first, women pick up on that as a sign of non-interest or nervousness

7) Be observent and cater to her needs, if you see her wine glass running empty top it up, if her drink is running out signal the waitstaff and offer her another drink, if she can't finish the meal offer to have it rapped up to go for her, little things like that women notice and will make you stand out from the average joe they just went out with last week

8) Talk about various topics, never dwell on one topic for too long, you don't know what part of your convo she finds interesting yet and being nice she will probably try to seem interested in everything so by varying topics you have best success to keep her attention and give off impression that you are well rounded

9) Speak the truth, don't tell her things she does not need to know and tell her about yourself in the best light but don't make up stories or lies to make her go on a second date with you as they will bite you in the behind later if she's around

10) Never talk to far into the future with regard to you as a potential couple. For example don't tell her that you would love for her to join you for your brother's wedding in 3 months and go with you on a cruize trip in 5 months. She will pick up on that as a sign of possesivness and desparation

11) Do all the nice old fashioned things like open doors, help her put on her jacket, walk her to her/your car and open the door on her side for her, etc. I know some will argue that modern women these days don't like that too much but more so than not they do I find from experience. Little things like that score major points.

12) Lean in for a kiss at the end of the night if you like her, don't miss on this opportunity. She will do one of two things a) turn for you to kiss her cheek or b) kiss you lips to lips, none of these situations make you look stupid so don't be afraid

13) Forget the 3 day no calling/contacting rule after the date, it's ridiculous. If you had a good time send her a short text message/emal (don't call), and tell them you'd like to see them again, if they like you they will agree and be happy that they know how you feel. Reason I say don't call is because by real time talk on the phone even if they dont like you they may just say yes to you even if not interested while on email/text message its easier for them to tell the truth. Do this the next day after the date.


Good luck!

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A few that have happened to me... Don't


Ask me if I snore as we leave my house (3rd thing out of his mouth, before we even got in his car - I should have just ended the date then)


Bring a list of the dvd's you own.


Keep telling me about your 'other' nicer car, even if it does exist.


Bring the waitress 'almost' to tears by crabbing at her (I don't care how bad the service is)


Ask me a question, then can't stop talking long enough to let me answer


Stop at a store because you need to 'pick up' something then I find out that something is a box of condoms.


Have better hair than me -- OK, maybe he couldn't help it, but I can't date someone that has better hair than me!!

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Don't ask your date how many guys she has slept with out of the blue upon acertaining she's not a virgin. Also don't berate her on email afterwards.


Don't dress up like Big bird on sesemy street.


Don't brag about your last conquest and how you lied, manipulated and dumped the girl like a hot potatoe after you are through and are currently looking for your next conquest and ask if she want's to volunteer.

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Don't look at her as if you can't wait to eat her. Don't monopolize the conversation, but do answer questions clearly. Laugh, a lot! Smile and show how warm a person you are through your eyes(my personal favorite). Only provide personal info if she asks for it.

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Can't tell you how many perfectly fine dates I blew because I was so wired up giving off a vibe that certainly isn't me at my best.


Sometimes it is better to cancel a date than to try and cram it in! lol.


Bad talking any one is a big no no. That's very uncomfortable to listen to! Or listening to someone go off into family problems or financial problems. Eesh. Awkward!

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Have better hair than me -- OK, maybe he couldn't help it, but I can't date someone that has better hair than me!!


I have good hair... It's the way God made me! The prejudice I experience on this front is untenable, I say, untenable!


I refuse to appologize for that or for my enormous... Desire to wash dishes!

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What about talking politics? (I'm semi-kidding...). This isnt something I would generally start doing, only if the other person brings it up. I had a date recently where the girl told me she wanted to "piss on John McCain's face" while we were eating dinner. I wasn't offended, and didn't make me think anything less of her, but I thought it was a risky thing to bring up at the start. Guess it does make you know where each other stand though haha.


I would never start talking politics until I know someone a little better though.

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I have good hair... It's the way God made me! The prejudice I experience on this front is untenable, I say, untenable!


I refuse to appologize for that or for my enormous... Desire to wash dishes!



I appreciate good hair on a guy - oh yes - I just can't compete with it!! LOL. In college there was a guy that had the most beautiful long hair - most of us called him 'hair guy'. I remember being so envious!

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I appreciate good hair on a guy - oh yes - I just can't compete with it!! LOL. In college there was a guy that had the most beautiful long hair - most of us called him 'hair guy'. I remember being so envious!


you must have gone to a small college if everyone knew him by a nickname.

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Indiana University isn't exactly a small college, even the regional campus is larger than a well recognized, pompous, popular catholic college located nearby.


i just find it weird so many people know this guy by a nickname. sounds like high school is all.

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