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Do you ever wonder how different your life would be if you didn't do something?

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Whether it be mistakes or not going into a situation that turned out bad. I was thinking about this today and how different my life would be right now if I didn't take risks over the past year. Some good risks, some bad. I regret not doing some things because of my social anxiety and I wish I had now in retrospect. It would've made things a lot easier than they are now.


Just something I was thinking about today for some reason. Thinking about how different things would be if I weren't even around.

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I think everyone feels that way at some point or another. However, the bottom line is that every decision we make impacts us in some way or another. thereforeeee, if you have regrets (ie. didn't do something you wanted to do), hopefully you will learn to take chances in the future. We live and learn from past experiences and risks we previously didn't take. Life isn't perfect, as is no one.

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing, huh? What if I had've done this, or hadn't done that? But, I'm not one who believes in regrets etc. Because every choice that you made, there was a reason behind every single one of them - perhaps you are unaware of that reason, but there was - and it has made you the person you are today, and will continue to make you the person you are going to be - and that's the way God intended it, and Fate will always take you where you are supposed to be.

Life is too short to worry about "what if". The real question should be "what next"?

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I was engaged at 17/18 and was supposed to be married by 20. I thought my whole life was to be married and pop out a hundred babies. Now, at 25, I'm not sure if I ever want to be married and I know for sure I don't want children.


I often think about how different my life woudl be now if I had married that guy. I wouldn't know what I know now and I'm sure I woudl have a lot of resentment for "stealing" my path to adulthood.

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There's this story about this guy who has a series of circumstances. Some look very bad and some look very good. Anyway, others are commenting things like...oh you sure are fortunate that this happened, to which he replies "maybe." Then others are commenting you sure are fortunate that this didn't happen, to which he replies "maybe."


The point is that we can never know for sure ultimately if our choices are good or bad, because something else worse could have happened had we not make a certain choice at a certain time.


Maya Angelou says we do the best at the time that we can, and that when we know better, we do better.


I've screwed up lots in my life, but I've also not screwed up. Ultimately, I've turned out to be a pretty decent human being, this despite the regrets and disappointments. Pain is a wonderful teacher.

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I was 100% planning to join the air force after high school - everything was ready to go, except for the final signatures on the paperwork (mom and dad had to sign since I was 17).


The last weekend before my friends went back to school we went to the stock car races (instead of bowling, like we had planned for days) and I met *him* there. Never followed through with the air-force thing.


I honestly don't regret it - but my life would sure be different. Never wanted to get married or have kids when I was younger.

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Every Day, If One Thing Didnt Happen To Me I Would Be On My Way To Flying Fighter Jets & Probably Having The Time Of My Life But Cause Of Certain Circumstances Im Now Studying IT Systems & Im Glad I Am Now As There's A Lot Less At Stake Fixing PC's Than Flying Jets

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Every Day, If One Thing Didnt Happen To Me I Would Be On My Way To Flying Fighter Jets & Probably Having The Time Of My Life But Cause Of Certain Circumstances Im Now Studying IT Systems & Im Glad I Am Now As There's A Lot Less At Stake Fixing PC's Than Flying Jets


True - but wouldn't it be awesome to fly! I was on my way to the AF academy, planned on it since jr high, then was told that because my eyesight wasn't 20/20, I wouldn't be able to persue the flying, but I could do something else in aviation. Kind of took the wind out of my sails , or from beneath my wings, so to speak.

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goodness i ask myself that question all the time...well more like " how different would things be if I HAD done somthing". I was painfully shy all through high school, and much of college. I was so darn self conscious and for what? missed out on a lot of great opportunities in every aspect of my life! but alas, the past is the past, and no matter how much you dwell on it, you can never change it..learn from it, and focus on your future

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