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To everyone feeling down right now.

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Watch this video. It cheered me right up after my first girlfriend ever dumped me and made it impossible for me to contact her last thursday, just because she wanted to be single again. Life is wonderful, and now that you're completely independent again, you can go do whatever you want! Make sure your sound is on, because the music is very cheerful and will cheer you up.


It seems like it's against the rules to post URL's, so I'll give directions to it instead. Go to youtube and look up 'Cute and Funny Animals and Stuff' it's made by Janhuh if that helps.


Life is wonderful, I hope you too will realise it!

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You got over that in record time blaat!! LOL Oh to be young again!!! Sigh...


haha, I wish I was over her already.. I still miss her a lot, but my family and friends have shown so much support that it's almost impossible to feel sad when they're around. Going to sleep is horrible though.


I'm still checking her facebook every couple of hours.. it seems as if I'm still thinking or hoping she will come back. This video just cheers me up every time I think about her and become sad.

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Awwww...mornings were the worst for me! Keep yourself busy and try to stay off facebook! ;-)


Yeah, the mornings are definitely the worst! This morning I woke up and the first thing I saw was a picture of her next to my bed. Not a pleasant wake-up to be honest

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I was thinking of taking all the stuff that reminds me of her from my room and putting it into a box... I don't want to lose all the good memories I have of her, but I don't want to get upset every time I walk into my room either.


Then one day, I'll be able to open the box and think of all the good times we had. If I can open that box without feeling a single bit of sadness, then I'll know I'm over her.

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Aww...I likes that! Thanks!


I find mornings and night time the hardest....and the middle bit ain't too great either haha. But really, it's those times when you are going to sleep or waking up that really stink, cos my mind is so active. This morning, though, was realllllllllly bad. I had a dream, which I'm pretty sure involved him (I hate how dreams fade sometimes), I woke up smiling and thinking of him. I had genuinely forgotten that we weren't together!!! Then the memory hit me really suddenly. Was such a crap realistation. .

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Mornings and then when you get into bed at night. Because you're left with nothing but your thoughts of them and you just feel so lonely. It's the worst feeling; I try to get over it by thinking this is only a few hours of my life. The rest is wonderful. And then there are people in this world that go to bed with pangs of hunger, wondering when their next meal will be. Then I feel like what I'm upset about is so trivial. Life does go on, might as well enjoy it

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Aww...I likes that! Thanks!


I find mornings and night time the hardest....and the middle bit ain't too great either haha. But really, it's those times when you are going to sleep or waking up that really stink, cos my mind is so active. This morning, though, was realllllllllly bad. I had a dream, which I'm pretty sure involved him (I hate how dreams fade sometimes), I woke up smiling and thinking of him. I had genuinely forgotten that we weren't together!!! Then the memory hit me really suddenly. Was such a crap realistation. .


This happens to me ALL the time. It's so awful. Wake up feeling happy and then it hits me like a ton of bricks that its truly over and those happy feelings I had were all from a silly dream...

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This happens to me ALL the time. It's so awful. Wake up feeling happy and then it hits me like a ton of bricks that its truly over and those happy feelings I had were all from a silly dream...


Happened AGAIN today! It's his birthday and I woke up thinking "Woo I get to see him and give him birthday kisses" Then to my horror I realised "Oh Nooooooooo! we're over!"

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haha, I wish I was over her already.. I still miss her a lot, but my family and friends have shown so much support that it's almost impossible to feel sad when they're around. Going to sleep is horrible though.


I'm still checking her facebook every couple of hours.. it seems as if I'm still thinking or hoping she will come back. This video just cheers me up every time I think about her and become sad.


M8 you HAVE to delete your facebook profile otherwise it'll take you way longer to heal -trust me i've been there!! Soon as i deleted my profile, it helped because i was constantly checking on hers!!

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M8 you HAVE to delete your facebook profile otherwise it'll take you way longer to heal -trust me i've been there!! Soon as i deleted my profile, it helped because i was constantly checking on hers!!


Tab your bang on there with some great advice.


Checking their facebook/myspace/dating profile will only drive you crazy. The minute you stop your anxiety levels go down

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Happened AGAIN today! It's his birthday and I woke up thinking "Woo I get to see him and give him birthday kisses" Then to my horror I realised "Oh Nooooooooo! we're over!"


brokenhearted, iv answered you on another thread and I know exactly how you feel as its my ex's birthday today too.


After I woke up and realised it (its actually been on my mind for a week while originally thinking whether or not to send a card which I decided against) the next thought through my brain was that he'll be spending it with his new g/f


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Hi Hope. Thanks. Yeah, I'm mentally battling with myself not to text him (we didn't end on bad terms at all). I sent him his birthday package which he will probably get tomorrow. Weird our exes share the same birthday! It's been two weeks. Just keep thinking I was meant to be part of the celebrations. Bleh.

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i dont know if he was thinking of me on his birthday, but that evening something slightly out of the ordinary happened in that my old phone rang, from a withheld number.


Iv had a new phone since we had our last BIG row in early March, and I changed my sim card. everyone i regularly phone/text has my new number, but i wanted the out of school club number for my daughters school, so i had just put the sim in to find the number when it rang. I immediately thought it might be him, as he hasnt got my new number, and the fact that it was witheld too made me suspect it might.


could be wrong though, just seems a bit of a coincidence, specially on his b/day when he will have been wondering if I might contact him

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