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Coping with loneliness...


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So the last few weeks went by having parties every two days, hanging around with lots, LOTS OF people, got a few new contacts in the local music business, my financial future is great...

And there's always a BUT:


Went out tonight with a few friends, nothing special, and one of the guys I know now has something going on with a girl I like... Not that I'm jealous on him, but it's the strange feeling that I may know hundreds of people, I may have fun all the time, I may have reduced my depression to a minimum, I may even have a lot of nice female friends (almost all of them have boyfriends, huh), I may have the money now, but it's the "I don't have the special one" syndrome...


I can now easily live without a girlfriend, I don't even want to be tied to someone, but seeing others who know much less people than me, but have that special someone nearby makes me a bit, ummm, dunno how to describe it - not that I'm sad, but those tons of people I know will never give me the feeling you have when there are only two of us, alone, waiting for the sunrise & so... Let's call that loneliness...


Does anybody know how to cope with it in such situations??? I tried focusing on talking to my other buddies, but those TWO who cuddled nearby were always on my mind...

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You're still pretty young, so give it some time. It sounds like your life is going fairly well, financially and career wise, so that's good, but now you're open to an authentic relationship. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen. You're only 22, so don't rush it just for the sake of not being alone...you'll know the right person when you find her and in the meantime enjoy the search.

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Might I suggest that you try not to think about the things that you don't have. Just enjoy the momment. You sound like there's some success in your life and that's great. There's always going to be but's through life. Just take things one at a time and I'm sure that it will work out for you. Positive things happen to positive people.

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I'd suggest just going out and exploring new things, meeting new people. You seem to be doing fine.. just give it time. Now that she's off-limits, I know it hurts, but there's really nothing you can do. Ultimately a relationship is just 2 people so it doesn't matter at all how many people you know - some people may be on an island and only know one another and they will still fall in love, versus whether they lived in a city of thousands and found each other after years. How and why you meet and with how many people around are sort of irrelevant, when you think about it.


That said.. your chances of meeting a future gf are better when you get out and about, so keep doing that! And yes, I have been feeling lonely myself lately honestly, it never bugged me much in the past because I had little to no sex drive... and wasn't in a relationship for 4 years so i didnt even notice or know what it was like... but lately, i've sort of been missing it for some reason. my sex drive returned to some extent.. and maybe with the spring weather and school letting out soon, i feel a bit wanting to get out and meet people. I've always only found boyfriends in the summer, actually...but really, it's soooo incredibly hard for me to meet any guy i find attractive... i'm not sure it will happen. I need to get out more...

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