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difficult occasions

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Birthdays, anniversaries, important dates are so difficult to get through when you're missing the ONE person you want to be there with you! It's my 33rd birthday...I know I am so lucky to be here with my mom and my stepdad... To get flowers from my father and phone calls from friends and relatives... But when I got a simple text from my husband today that just said "Happy Birthday" I wanted to scream. I don't know if I would have been more upset if I hadn't heard a word from him. I sit here and wonder "is he thinking of me? Does he wonder what we'd be doing if I were there? Is he remembering my birthday last year?" and it's so so so hard when i don't know anything that's going on... I suppose I should be happy he is thinking of me at all enough to send me a text.


How do you all deal with special days like this? Any advice? Wish I could go out and get drunk (lol) but I don't think the baby in my tummy would be too happy with that

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I always have to remind myself not to look into text messages, instant messages and internet profiles too much because you can't tell what someone's really thinking or feeling when you see what they say. Try to see it for what it is, as a simple happy birthday message and reply with just a thanks if you want and then find friends to spend the day with on special occasions

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