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When a manager tells you to tell the customer to go f-himself

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Ohh man, this is some story. The other day at work I was helping this customer. So I finish with the customer and this other customer comes to me and he is very upset.


So he goes to me "Hey hows it going?" So I answer "I'm alright how about a yourself boss?" He asks to speak to a manager about a defective product and how he is upset at it and how we have so much stock of it and that it should be pulled from sales. Now hes not telling me what product it is, so I figure hes coming to seasonal (aka outdoor living) its probably some lawnmower/weed wacker etc. Its a light fixture that I flush mount.


I page the manager, happens to be the sports manager is the only one in. This manager is the worst, doesn't like to answer pages, only ones from his department. I tell the customer, "I paged the manager, I'm pretty sure you herd the page and he should be here shortly"


So I'm waiting for him to come, with the customer. He doesn't show up. Around 10 minutes later, he still hasn't come. At that point I hear a page for seasonal to come to customer service for a stock pickup. So I tell the customer "do you mind if I go get that, and see if the manager is coming?" He tells me no problem since its my job and I've already done my job with him by paging the manager.


So I go to customer serivce. Get my stock. Who do I see there just chatting away with his sport staff. The manager. So I tell "excuse me Kris, there is this customer in the back of the store and wants to talk to you about a dective product, and how he feels we should discontinue the product line up"


At that point he turns around to me and tells me "I dont have time for this right now. Just tell him to go f himself, and let him wait right there"


Eventually he came and spoke to the customer but his attitude. So bad.

Now I know what managers are like they talk right behind the customers back.

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Not all manager's are like that glegend. He is a real ass. You probably don't want to get involved but if that were me i'd have to tell the store director or manager. That was uncalled for.


The worst part is the example he set for you since he is a person of authority.

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I agree with JS...he's setting a very poor example to the rest of the staff. You said he's a really bad manager, so chances are, you're not the only one who's noticed...there may already be complaints on file about him from customers and other staff. I doubt he'll last long at his job. It's really your call as to whether or not you want to complain about him to a superior or not. If you don't have to work with him on a regular basis, it might be easier for you to do nothing and leave it to the dept. staff and co-managers...because you can probably be sure that they're putting up with his rudeness and laziness on a daily basis.

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Very inappropriate behavior. I'm not going to tell you what I would have done at your age because it would probably get you fired, but these days I'd just keep quiet if you want to keep your job and just know that this manager is a real jerk and keep in mind that if he can act this inpolitely and inconsiderately to a customer...he could do this to a employee.

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This manager is so bad. He is really cocky. He has that type of attitude where he thinks cause hes a manager he is better then everyone else. Back in December, around the 14th of the month, he tells me to take a snowblower to warehouse. He tells me he is going to help me put it on a pump truck. Its a huge 13HP snowblower. He lifted it up with his index finger, not even 1cm off the ground. And that was his help.

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I used to manage a retail store and I can guarantee you not all managers are like that!! That guy needs a good swift kick upside the head. If you want to get involved I would report him to someone higher up, he talks to you that way I can only imagine how he treats his customers. No reason for that.

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I sometimes wonder how people like that get promoted to management in the first place! He's just into a power trip. Whether you decide to officially complain or not, it's probably best to keep your distance from him. Ask other managers for help if you can. If it gets too bad, you can always look for another job.

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Depends on if he likes you or not.


I don't know to tell you the truth. I get mixed singals from this guy. On my first day, he did like me. After that he didn't. He really has his moments, at times he likes me and acts like he's must best friend in the world. Then the rest of the time he acts all cocky. There then are the times where he will act all nice to me but thats because he wants something from me in return. I also got this vibe from him when he found that I am staying not leaving, cause I was hired on a 3 month christmas season contract which would also be my probation period.

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I don't know to tell you the truth. I get mixed singals from this guy. On my first day, he did like me. After that he didn't. He really has his moments, at times he likes me and acts like he's must best friend in the world. Then the rest of the time he acts all cocky. There then are the times where he will act all nice to me but thats because he wants something from me in return. I also got this vibe from him when he found that I am staying not leaving, cause I was hired on a 3 month christmas season contract which would also be my probation period.


Hes probably under a lot of stress. You've got to let it slide in my opinion some people are better at handling it than others, and some people get given a lot more to handle.


The head honcho where I work earns a $150,000 per year package.. I don't even know who he is, we've had that many of them come and go in the time I've been there. Same as almost all other managers. There are some departments and roles that are pretty niche, that people tend to stick around in but for the most part I am amazed at the management turn over.


You'd think they'd be there for a career and stick around for a long while, some do, but a lot don't. I'd just let it slip, he got angry and he swore ? so what ? he is human it happens. So long as he is not doing it every single time he has to talk to a customer. Besides none of this is your business just keep doing your job.

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Well CP if this guy is your role model than you still have quite an uphill battle in your career search.


Thats doesn't make sense. I know people with much worse attitudes than me who have done fine in their careers because they haven't persued a career in customer service.

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Thats doesn't make sense. I know people with much worse attitudes than me who have done fine in their careers because they haven't persued a career in customer service.


Like i said, if this guy's philosophy is one you want to emulate you will have an uphill battle in your career search.

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Like i said, if this guy's philosophy is one you want to emulate you will have an uphill battle in your career search.


You're not basing that on anything other than the fact that we have differing points of view.


I get terrific references from my employers I have returned to the same customer service position twice, with excellent reviews from both managers.


This is not relevant.

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I can't tell you how many times I've helped a customer and then went out of earshot and and called them stupid, dumb, idiot - and I'm sorry, but a lot of them are.


It is very hard to slap a smile on your face in front of the customer while he or she is chewing you out for something you didn't do, have no control over and really can't help with. I had one cuss me out for something they thought my store did, while it was really our competitor, they kept mentioning a workers name, when I said, for the fourth time, we don't have an amy that works here, finally the customer says, oh it must have been xx, not you guys and walks out, no apology nothing.



Give him a bit of a break. Maybe 'that' customer didn't deserve the comment, but others do. As far as his attitude, he keeps it up, someone will complain and he'll be replaced. No one is indispensable in retail. Try to keep your good attitude, it will shine in the end.

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You're not basing that on anything other than the fact that we have differing points of view.


I get terrific references from my employers I have returned to the same customer service position twice, with excellent reviews from both managers.


This is not relevant.


NO CP i have based it on the many many posts I have read from you that reflects your hatred for customers and people in general.

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