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Anybody ever hear of this?

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I was taking prozac about a year ago but quit because of sexual side effects. Decided to talk to the doctor today about other options and he wants me to take both prozac and wellbutrin... says the wellbutrin will counteract the side effects of prozac. Anybody ever hear of this?

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It can be worth a shot, but personally I might get a second opinion.


Wellbutrin is known to have a low risk of sexual side effects, but I don't know that it can counteract the sexual side effects of other meds. Also, it can have side effects of its own, so do be aware of that. Having a drug cocktail can have benefits for some people, but not all... sometimes it is just more side effects.


Why does he insist on keeping the prozac in the mix and not giving JUST the wellbutrin a go solo for a bit?

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It can be worth a shot, but personally I might get a second opinion.


Wellbutrin is known to have a low risk of sexual side effects, but I don't know that it can counteract the sexual side effects of other meds. Also, it can have side effects of its own, so do be aware of that. Having a drug cocktail can have benefits for some people, but not all... sometimes it is just more side effects.


Why does he insist on keeping the prozac in the mix and not giving JUST the wellbutrin a go solo for a bit?


Yes, prozak can be "overkill" wellubrtin is much more mild.

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Yes, prozak can be "overkill" wellubrtin is much more mild.


Generally speaking, yes.... I couldn't handle it myself though. Turns out wellbutrin is a big huge no-no for epileptics ](*,)



But... for some people it works wonders. It is just always good to get informed about what you put into your system.

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