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Third date tonight, and I have not kissed her yet.


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Hey guys....


She called me twice last night, the second time when I was falling asleep, and we talked for another hour. She mentioned a movie that I might like, and that she wants to bring it over my place next Saturday night for us to watch.


It's only been 4 dates, quite a few phone conversations though, just one kiss, and I'm starting to feel myself developing a hint of feelings for this girl, and it's freaking me out.


Batya was on point every time in telling me that I'm quick to move forward in this way, so I'm trying to think of ways to pull myself back and take a step back from this situation. I don't want to get wrapped up in someone and then suddenly find myself hurt.


How do I do this? Maybe I should be spending more time with my guy friends to take my mind off of her....She will even email me at work most days just to say hi. It's not that I mind at all, but it contributes to the overall "getting sucked in" and I don't want to eventually get "spit out."


I feel like my avatar...lol. It's like he's all excited, ready to jump and take that flight, but look at his plain face. He knows what the deal is going to be and that he's eventually going to "hit bottom" and it's probably gonna hurt...lol.

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It's a choice you make - you decide that you don't get "sucked in" because you are not passive. What I did in those situations was not respond to e-mails right away if they were just to chat (or phone calls) and I kept busy/distracted (and usually at that early stage I was going on dates with others, too).


good luck!

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It's a choice you make - you decide that you don't get "sucked in" because you are not passive. What I did in those situations was not respond to e-mails right away if they were just to chat (or phone calls) and I kept busy/distracted (and usually at that early stage I was going on dates with others, too).


good luck!


yeah, I was thinking the same...need to date some other people too...

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Agreed there Ghost.


I was initially questioning how you got to 3 dates without a kiss at all. I don't have a problem with that, but I've had cases where a girl though I didnt show enough interest after 1 or 2 dates where there was kissing. I couldn't imagine a case where I didnt kiss a girl and she still was willing to go on a 3rd date instead of thinking "This guy didn't act, he isnt interested at all." I've had cases with 2 dates, both with kissing, and the girl still not thinking I was interested enough.


Its such a fine line as to what is enough/too much/too fast/too slow.....

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personally i think you are dragging this out and not moving fast enough. i don't want you to hump her leg or anything, but make a move man.



Aight, well, next date is going to be at my place to watch a movie.


Ghost, you should be proud, brah!

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