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Third date tonight, and I have not kissed her yet.


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There's a difference between what the OP has, of not feeling "it.", and feeling "it" but being slow and easy about not acting on it. All the dates I've been on, I can tell after the first date if there is an "it" there, in terms of wow I really like this person. If there isn't even a small spark there after 2 dates, then maybe you're just not into her.

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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i thought you meant you weren't feeling her. just go for it. you should be calm. she keeps going on dates with you. she is probably checking her breath or something wondering what is wrong. it's you. do it.

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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i thought you meant you weren't feeling her. just go for it. you should be calm. she keeps going on dates with you. she is probably checking her breath or something wondering what is wrong. it's you. do it.


few days ago, ghost was like UR GETTIN SOME BUDDY!




...and I still need to kiss her first.

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few days ago, ghost was like UR GETTIN SOME BUDDY!




...and I still need to kiss her first.


well you aren't if you aren't making moves. i thought you said you were really feeling her. i thought for sure you'd act on it. guess ghost was wrong

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I've touched her hand a few times, but that's it.


*slaps forehead* i'm waiting to be proud man. don't be so shy. once you get over shyness you end up like 'that wasn't so bad. i was scared of that?' you almost end up questioning yourself for being shy.

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I'd go with Ghost's suggestion and kiss her on the cheek. Also, try to be more physically affectionate in some of the other ways I mentioned. It will help you feel more comfortable with her. Then the first kiss on the lips will come naturally!

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if after this date you don't feel anything with her, i'd find another girl.


what are you doing on these dates?


It is funny to me that you have to kiss someone by the third date or else it spells doom and gloom...yet by the third date you don't even know enough about the person to know whether or not you want a relationship with them. You have to get some tongue action first and then decide if the person is worth of a relationship...too bad...a lot of times it can take a few more dates before there is a spark.

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It is funny to me that you have to kiss someone by the third date or else it spells doom and gloom...yet by the third date you don't even know enough about the person to know whether or not you want a relationship with them. You have to get some tongue action first and then decide if the person is worth of a relationship...too bad...a lot of times it can take a few more dates before there is a spark.


who said it spells doom? if i'm feeling a girl i'm going for it. why wait days and weeks to show affection?

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^ Because you actually get to know someone first, know what they like. Take it slow and see exactly what type of touching they are comfortable with.


Exactly. It is like choosing fast food over the fine dining experience. Most people prefer fine dining when it comes to food but prefer the "fast food 'in and out, shoddier on quality'" menu when it comes to dating and relationships.

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As a woman, I feel it necessary to chime in here...


If you don't feel comfortable with a FULL OUT KISS, at least give her SOME kind of "more than a friend" kind of kiss on the mouth...you know what I am talkin' bout.


You don't have to slip her the tongue, but man...if after 3 dates I got nothin', I would really be wondering what the hell was goin' on. Just go for it...it's a kiss. I'm sure she won't bite.


For her sake...


I wish you the best...



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Well, do tell..how did it go???????


Ok, here's the high-level.


First, we had dinner. Next, caught a movie. Movie was good, but now thinking back, I think a bad idea for a third date, because we can't talk. I was sitting there thinking like - damn, I'd rather just be talking to her to try and get to know each instead of watching this movie.


After the movie was over, I walked her to her car, and was thinking - ok, I'm going in for the kiss - lol. She looks at me, and asks me if I was planning to go home or if I wanted to do something else, like go out for some drinks. I said sure, and that was a great idea, because we got to talk for another few hours. I walked her to her car again after that, and that's when I gave her a hug and short kiss.

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