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I Love Her, She Doesnt Love Me, What Now?

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I have a big problem and I know this is a little long but some help would be much appreciated.


I've known this girl for 3 years, we get along better than anything you could imagine, never argue, like the same things, have the same personalities and overall she's just the most awesome person I've ever met.


Well I stupidly fell for her, she turned me down of course, and I we didnt talk to each other for 8 months after that. Anyway, we finally started talking again and it was like we were never apart...we had a lot of fun, did practically everything together all the while I was trying desperately to convince myself I'm only her friend.


Unfortunately for me being around her again has made me fall for her all over again. All the reasons I fell in love with her the first time are still there.


I know she won't have changed her mind so this is my plan:


Currently she is on holiday, due back in a few days. When she gets back Im going to explain to her how I feel, tell her I'm sorry, and then tell her we can no longer be friends. I can't be friends with her as I'll always want more and to be honest its going to be more painful to watch her be happy with someone else than it will be to walk away and never see her again. I know its a lot to walk away from but I just cant be her friend anymore.


I know this is going to hurt her, and god knows its the last thing I want to do, but what option do I have? Shes the greatest thing that happened to me but at the same time having her around with unrequited feelings towards her is destroying my life. I've even turned to drinking to stop the hurt and just cant do it anymore.

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It's all in your mind. You shouldn't throw away a perfectly good friendship over this. Try to get over her. If it's so painful, then it will only make it worse if you decide to never see her again. Find something else to occupy your time or something positive to think about. This is a bad idea I believe. It will only make things worse. At the very least, you should try to spend time away from her for a little while. Time heals all wounds after all.

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Find something else to occupy your time or something positive to think about. This is a bad idea I believe. It will only make things worse. At the very least, you should try to spend time away from her for a little while. Time heals all wounds after all.


I told myself this once before with her, hence the 8 months of not talking so I could try and take my mind off things. When we started hanging out again the feelings didnt come flooding back per se, but I basically fell for her a second time. I don't think we could ever be just friends, she's exactly what I look for in my dream girl and I cant be "just friends" with that.


When I'm around her I'm strained trying to hold back how I feel, when Im not around her Im usually drinking away any thoughts of her. I wish I could stop loving her, god I wish that so badly, I would give anything but I cant.

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