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Cold Feet?


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I think I messed up...


I've been dating this guy for nearly two years. It was my first relationship, his second aside from some other failed romantic pursuits. He was my best friend and like any couple we had our ups and downs. He loved me and I loved him.


Last week though, something clicked in me. I got scared, spooked. I broke it off, needless to say it didn't go well. And now thinking back on it, I cut the person I love the most from my life. The only thing is he now hates me with every fiber of his being. I guess I can understand that...


The thing is I now realize that I didn't just love him, I was in love with him and that scared me for some reason and I ran away. Is this unforgivable? This was my first relationship...


I guess I'm just wondering if anyone else has experience with this sort of thing: You realize how much you love someone and get scare and run away.


It's funny how love can turn to pure enmity within a short matter of 12 hours...


i need advise; this is tearing me apart inside.

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I can understand where you are coming from, happened to me with my ex, i started getting all these strong feelings further down the line, much stronger then i'd ever experienced. It freaked me out a little for all sorts of reasons and I broke it off.


Could you not try telling him the same thing you wrote in the post? If you in fact want him back that is. Telling him you made a mistake maybe and that you have realised a few things? I know you said your not his favourite person at the moment, if he isnt answering your calls you could maybe try going round to his house when you know he will be in. Its more likely he will listen to you then

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I can understand where you are coming from, happened to me with my ex, i started getting all these strong feelings further down the line, much stronger then i'd ever experienced. It freaked me out a little for all sorts of reasons and I broke it off.


Could you not try telling him the same thing you wrote in the post? If you in fact want him back that is. Telling him you made a mistake maybe and that you have realised a few things? I know you said your not his favourite person at the moment, if he isnt answering your calls you could maybe try going round to his house when you know he will be in. Its more likely he will listen to you then


i wrote him a lengthy in depth letter explaining all these stupid feelings. I don't know if he understood it though. He then claimed that I was just playing with his emotions. Idk... right now i'm trying just to move on. He has told me that once he brakes up with someone its over. It's still hard though; I feel like I'm trying to explain colour to a blind man.

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Well, he is bound to be confused. But if you love him you are going to have to fight harder rather than just moving on. He needs convincing and I doubt that one letter is going to do it. You might view it as an honest effort but he will view it as putting hmself at risk of getting hurt again so you need to do some fast and fancy footwork to convince him you won't.

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Well, he is bound to be confused. But if you love him you are going to have to fight harder rather than just moving on. He needs convincing and I doubt that one letter is going to do it. You might view it as an honest effort but he will view it as putting hmself at risk of getting hurt again so you need to do some fast and fancy footwork to convince him you won't.


i guess that's the thing i need to figure out. i know i love him, i am in love with him, but i don't know if i'm mature enough to be comfortable with it [i'm 18]. mabye its just teenage angst.

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