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Would you lose your virginity to...


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I don't get the whole big deal about virginity. It's not like I would hop into bed with just any guy I found attractive, but it really is just sex, and as long as you are enjoying it (and use protection!), then that's all that matters really. That's just me though.


To the question; yes, I would, only if he wasn't a complete stranger though.

I lost my virginity to my first love.

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I don't get the whole big deal about virginity. It's not like I would hop into bed with just any guy I found attractive, but it really is just sex, and as long as you are enjoying it (and use protection!), then that's all that matters really. That's just me though.


To the question; yes, I would, only if he wasn't a complete stranger though.

I lost my virginity to my first love.


good quote (except for the protection part)

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List some examples.


first time for a blow job (one guy was 33 and never experienced one)

different positions

different ways of doing/getting a blow job

different ways of playing with nipples

experimenting with female ejaculation


you are only limited by your imagination, quite honestly.



Well, those other 'first-times' you mentioned seem ancillary to the first time you are having sex with someone.


Your list of different is not really a first, but a variation of something, so that doesn't count, and the last one, that's really not a first time concept either.


As for the first time getting a blow job, a techincal virgin may argue, that doesn't count for sex. It is still not the real macoy or the final deal.


The Hymen ruptures because covenants are made with blood, and thereforeeee this has to have a sacred significance of being the first time which your other first times clearly do not possess. (exception where this hymen is lost naturally or by rape), so a woman who wishes to present an unblemished hymen to her spouce is really offering something sacred, otherwise, how do you make a covenant without blood?


The Old Testament covenatns are made with the blood of animals, and the New Testament covenant with the blood of Christ...so it stands to reason that a marriage covenant must be the blood of the hymen being reputured. How dare anyone defile their hymen, and treat it as an unholy object?


hmm, the divorce rate is 50% nationwide, so sorry, you only have half a chance of making it statistically.


That's because people treat marriage like a contract rather than a covenant, which is why they enter into marriage without being virgins, and thus it ends in such a divorce rate. If marriage was truly viewed as sacred with divorce being made only in the most extreme of circumstances, then I'm sure it would be much lower. This just reflects the moral decay of this society, nothing more.


Add that to people that don't know how to communicate, don't want to commnuicate, grow in separate ways while living together.


Couples that pray together stay together. God should always come first.


I don't know if my view is cynical or realistic. Ask a divorced person if they planned on being diviroced before they got married, I'm pretty sure the majority would say no, but that doesn't match the statistic. Marriage is a lot of work and quite honestly, most people aren't into working anymore, but finding the easy way out.


Very well, then marry someone who is serious with the Lord and has strong moral values about the idea of marriage. If marriage is just viewed as a legally formal serial monogamous relationship from a line of serial monogamous relationships, then that's what people are going to threat it as. However, if it is viewed as something sacred with strict monogomy, then the divorce rate would be much lower.

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At the same time alot of "Christians" rush to get married so they can have sex because it's the "right" thing to do. I've seen in happen so many times and what happens? The lord is only so good in their marriage obviously because they end up divorced within a few years.


Besides the whole "The Lord wants you to say yourself for marriage" thing bypasses me because I could really care less. I'm not religious so that only comes into debate with someone who is religious. I, do, However view a relationship as somewhat sacred (ack! as much as I hate that word) whether you're married or in a commited relationship or just having random sex with the guy you met at the bar. It's your prerogative, your body, your life do as you please and don't bother with what others think.

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I was wondering... people are worried about getting STDs and that's why they dont just want to give it up to a one-night stand or guy they dont know well (i.e. just dating.. for a bit). But if you use a condom, shouldn't you be OK?? so why the fear with that..

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I was wondering... people are worried about getting STDs and that's why they dont just want to give it up to a one-night stand or guy they dont know well (i.e. just dating.. for a bit). But if you use a condom, shouldn't you be OK?? so why the fear with that..


I posted in your other post about this but there are still STD's that can be transmitted even while using a condom. Do your research on STD's and you will see there are a ton of them that are passed skin to skin

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I was wondering... people are worried about getting STDs and that's why they dont just want to give it up to a one-night stand or guy they dont know well (i.e. just dating.. for a bit). But if you use a condom, shouldn't you be OK?? so why the fear with that..


Herpes could pass even if you have a condom on, as you just need skin contact (condoms just cover penis, not your whole body). You could finger an infected girl and catch it as it will pass through your fingers and into the blood.


So, unless you are dressed up with gas masks on, and covered with plastic all over, there is always a chance of catching an STD. But if you dress up like that, I"m sure that would probably kill the mood. Another complication is it's a difficult prospect to ask someone to accompany you to a doctor to get STD tested - especially someone you are just meeting from the internet for a casual hook-up that could walk away if you get too paranoid, and you may feel a bit shy to raise the issue further than just using a condom and taking your chances.


As for condoms themselves, they could always come off, or come apart during sex and are not 100% effective. People who habitually use condoms contract AIDS.

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At the same time alot of "Christians" rush to get married so they can have sex because it's the "right" thing to do. I've seen in happen so many times and what happens? The lord is only so good in their marriage obviously because they end up divorced within a few years.


This happened to people you know who were both virgins before they got marrried and then divorced?

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lol, i would never hook up with someone i just met from the internet loll


I almost did, but my dad was concerned that I might contract an STD and talked me out of it because she was sleeping around. I too was thinking of using a condom, but when I heard about herpes, it seemed that I was the Titanic on the collision course for an ice-berg if I thought a condom was enough. Well, still a virgin today two years later, but I have no STDs.


But it's all just the same, if you act paranoid about someone, they can accuse you that you don't love/trust them or kill the mood, and this can occur when you ask someone that you want them tested. People can put on a big manipulative show. Unless someone is really like tested, and you have protection on, then you can't be 100% sure -- and as other people say, some STD's whatever don't pass any testing. Any guy can say they love you -- you get caught up in the moment, and then he have AIDS, so be careful.

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Being a virgin before marriage and exploring things with each other isn't going to prevent divorce. Preventing divorce would require people to have the ability to think for themselves and determine if they're going to be happy with the person they're with.


Rushing into legall marriage just so you can have sex, or live with each other, is a common red flag for future divorce. This is prevalent in those that are, and are not, religious, so limiting the scenario to the religious is invalid.

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I really tried to NOT repsond to this, but it is so full of bs, I have to....


What the hell is a technical vigin? A woman with the hymen intact? Sorry, that's not it, some women don't even have one, some are ruptured by various ways, including use of tampons, when they have NEVER even mastrubated, let alone had sex! What constitutes a male virign? What, women have to have some kind of physical proof of virginity and males - what - we just take their word for it!


Obviously those things I listed are not ancillary to anything - what, your going to do ALL of that and more the first time? Please, you'll be lucky your nerves don't end it all in 10 seconds!


And then you get all Bill Clinton on me and are claiming the oral sex is not sex, that's your opinion, Luke, you have the right to it, but your thoughts are not the only thoughts out there. I happen to think if you bring someone to orgasm, in what ever manner, is sex. I bet some people disagree with that, but that's ok too.


And wouldn't it be a wonderful world if everyone thought the way you did. No Duh, if everyone viewed marriage as strict monogamy, there would be less divorce. That's like saying, if you eat an orange, you'll get some vitamin C!


So, I've had my say and you've had yours, we disagree and that's fine.

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It really matters what virginity is considered to be. It is all a matter of opinion.


For instance, I would say that mutual masturbation and Oral sex entails the loss of ones virginity. Many will say that it's not and they are also right. That is because virginity isn't a real thing, it is an idea.


You should do what is right for YOU. and no one else. If you even feel a bit of worry of regret, you probably shouldn't be doing what you are doing. That is, at least, my take on all of this.


To me being virginal is a matter of opinion - but, a virgin is a woman or a man who has never had sexual intercourse. I don't think it's a big deal from a morals or values perspective be a virgin if you've done everything else but intercourse. If you have then in my opinion you're technically a virgin but not "virginal."

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