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What are post-interview signs a company might offer you the job?

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Went for an interview last week with a great company.


As I posted a few days ago, I picked up positive signs during the interview: handing me business cards, positive demeanor from all interviewers, asking me when I can start, etc.


After going on numerous interviews for many different firms, I can honestly say how HR and others act AFTER the interview is very telling.


I believe that when you're not going to get picked, either HR or the person handling the candidate selection process suddenly vanishes, doesn't respond to your e-mails, and you find yourself putting in all the effort to get in touch with them.


As for this company I just mentioned, I sent all 3 interviewers thank you letters. The HR rep replied saying it was a pleasure meeting me too and gave me a fair update on things: They can't make a final decision until after the President returns from his business trip. Until then, she told me to feel free to contact her for updates on the status of the position.


She sent me this reply about 20 mins after someone a relative of mine knows - who works in that organization - provided a recommendation for me.


Based on your experiences, is my reasoning correct? Are HR/managers generally nicer and more open to giving you "updates" when you're pretty much their first choice?

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Based on your experiences, is my reasoning correct? Are HR/managers generally nicer and more open to giving you "updates" when you're pretty much their first choice?


Well, I don't think you can be sure about that. Many companies are realizing, that they need to treat ALL applicants well, because even if the might not hire somone for a particualr job, they might be appropriate for another. Ensuring good "word-of-mouth" from applicants, is also important.


But of course - the friendlier the better.

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