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i never should have come to this site


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I can understand your feelings on the whole 'objectification of women in society' issue. It does seem more acceptable nowadays for men to trade in an older woman for a younger 'newer' version. Then you have breast augmentation, which has become a staple in today's society. I think it's ridiculous that some men even 'expect' women to have this procedure done. Why don't they get their p's enlarged and see how they like it?


What is also disconcerting is the fact that our society has become so SEX obsessed, and all morals seem to have disappeared. Everyone is shacking up with anyone. I mean, take Bill Clinton for instance. An adulterer who was punished with a slap of the wrist. His actions were accepted and quickly forgiven and filed away. Everyone acted like it was OKAY that a married man had sex with someone other than his wife. Then there's Eliot Spitzer and his charade with the prostitute, while MARRIED WITH KIDS. Can you imagine such a thing 10-20 years ago? A President would have been condemned by society back then. Now, it's NO BIG DEAL. Hey... everyone's doing it, why not the President?


So disconcerting. Society has gone down the tubes.

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i found my bf, who all of you think is the scum of the earth. he is not like the guys i mentioned. not being like that is the most important thing to me, so i dont really care anymore if he is jealous and posessive, at least he is obsessing over me, and not every skirt that passes his way.


No offense sourpeach but you never met him. You have no idea if he looks at other women or not. As a matter of fact i'd be awfully surprised if he doesn't. I think because this is an online relationship you have created a fantasy man in your head and the real guy likely wont match reality. I still urge you not to let this man come to your home for two months on first meet...especially not with his anger issues.


I wish you the best of luck. You sound so miserable inside....this is no way to live a happy life.

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You're bitter about your own shortcomings, jealous of other women, angry because you've let yourself go and you're blaming all of YOUR issues on an entire gender, which is utterly rediculous. You're rude and I find some of your words totally offensive. In fact, you sound like some men out there. How ironic that you should mirror what you seem to hate so much. Your poor boyfriend.


As harsh as this may be, I have to agree.

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Well, my .02 on that is this: If there's truly nothing here for them, people go about their business and wander away quietly.


However, if we find things that challenge us or we find some (difficult) truths presented to us, we tend to get very argumentative and angry. After all, who likes to be challenged? And who really relishes being exposed to a painful truth that might require us to change some long-held but harmful beliefs?


I've gone through a bitter, man-hatin' phase or two in my time. I was oh-so-certain that the problems of the world and the problems of my existence were due to THOSE things a Y chromosome.


Turns out, the problems of my existence had more to do with my own thoughts, beliefs, and level of self-acceptance and self-love than anything outside my head.


Yup, this was me exactly just before I met my wife. Women where evil and had the 666 tattooed on their foreheads. I wanted nothing to do with them....until I went to the club and they could smell my bitterness MILES away. Then my female friends told me to wise up, not all women where like my ex and funny thing, the world changed once I did.


No the world isn't perfect, and sourpeach does have a few good points about the sexualization of young girls (which I do find appaling as I have a young woman at home) however, it's like the serenity prayer. Change the things you can, accept the things you can't and pray for the wisdom to know the difference. If you try it backward, all you will get is frustrated.

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If this thread gets deleted, then this site will become completely bogus in my mind. If you can't speak your mind freely, then what's the point of posting on this site? People shouldn't have to walk on eggshells around here. People have different perspectives and should be permitted to express their feelings, however they see fit. So what if sourpeach is frustrated with the male population? She's obviously using this site as an outlet for that frustration. Those of you that are criticizing her because you don't 'agree' with her viewpoints are probably just exacerbating the issue.


Jigsup, you should listen to your mom and look away because you don't like what you read. Just because you are 'offended' by what sourpeach is saying doesn't mean it should disappear. It wasn't written to appease you or anyone else. This is a free country and there's freedom of speech/expression for a reason. You and diggity dave need to just agree to disagree with sourpeach, rather than lambasting her. She has a right to her own opinions.

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I don't see any evidence of jigisup or diggitydave lambasting sourpeach. And why should anyone just agree to disagree with her and leave it at that? She's put her viewpoint out there, undoubtedly knowing that she would hit a nerve with a lot of people. This is a forum....other posters have just as much right to express their opinions as well....in fact, wasn't that also a point you were trying to make in your post? You can't have it both ways.

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Ten bucks says this thread gets deleted by the end of the day



Why would it be deleted...it's been up since early yesterday morning.


I did a brief stint as a moderator on the site. I don't see any reason for this thread to be deleted (unless the OP requests that).


If someone requests that a thread they started be deleted, that request is generally honored.

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thare are perverts but you cant be stareotypical about it thare are some girls that are pervs like that one teacher who had sex with thare student and yes pritty girls sell stuff to men and good looking guys sell stuff to girls and your right about the eating disorders its meadia but its not just them its the "popular crowd" that walks around with thare a** hangen out that pick up the jocks that are only intrested in sex. and i fell the same way about all forms of government we all hate things best thing to do is just live your life trying to bring this issue up and change it

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jigsup --


Thanks for apologizing. I also understand your viewpoint that it wasn't right of sourpeach to blast a whole gender because she's feeling hurt. I guess I was kinda frustrated by the fact that I've seen threads deleted due to debates, and so it kinda hit a nerve that this thread might be deleted just because people didn't agree with what some other people had to say. I'm glad we've cleared things up and I really appreciate you being so considerate of my feelings. thanks : )

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youre just another one of the women i mentioned in this post, the ones who just allow this nonsense from men and help perpetuate it. all you are out to do is make some man happy at a cost to yourself. it is women like you who make life harder for us all.


im pretty sure she doesnt like how men can be sometimes other no girl does...but i think shes just trying to make a point that not every guy is like that...for example my boyfriend isnt like that at all! so technically you insulted my boyfriend

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i found my bf, who all of you think is the scum of the earth. he is not like the guys i mentioned. not being like that is the most important thing to me, so i dont really care anymore if he is jealous and posessive, at least he is obsessing over me, and not every skirt that passes his way.


So your solution to dealing with the wrongs you feel are perpetrated by men is to take up with a male who is jealous and possessive? In your first post you said no one can change anything by themselves.


That is wrong. Real change always starts with someone alone. The first step in that process is to act like the woman you want to be, not simply rail against the world.

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