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"I was raped" T-shirt


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Have you guys heard about this? I was watching headline news, and they say there is an advocate who made a t-shirt with "I was raped" printed on it.


They say she wants to open up dialouge.


Would you guys wear that shirt?!


I don't know, so many thoughts...

*Wow, she's so brave for wearing that.

*Could that be dangerous?

*Wouldn't you feel like a pariah walking around in a shirt like that?!

*What would be the point of wearing a shirt like that?

*Wouldn't it be something if they had an "I was raped T-shirt day?"



Anywho, I just wanted to know what you guys think.





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Desparately seeking attention maybe?


I don't know - it could be empowering too. I heard that something like 75% of all women are victims of unwanted sexual advances at least once in their lives. Obviously some changes in society need to be made and what we are doing right now isn't working so, try something else.

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Being raped is not a crime....but it does carry with it a stigma of psychological and emotional baggage.


It'd be equivalent to wearing a t-shirt stating "My 4 babies have different dads".


While that might be a fact, and a reality that the person wearing the shirt has learned valuable lessons from to become a different person - it is not the first impression that is likely to capture positive attention and interest.

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I could perhaps understand someone wearing such a garment at an organised event to promote awareness of rape and sexual assault, but as for being able to walk around the streets in such a t-shirt (if that's what was implied) then I would say there are clear reasons why that is not a good idea. For one thing I would say that young children should be spared from learning of such evils until they are old enough to understand better. And you know that a child will always ask questions about things they see, so it may put parents in an akward position.


Perhaps I'm clutching at straws here, but just something about this doesn't sit right with me.


If a person can somehow get some therapeutic value from wearing such a t-shirt then I couldn't in all conscience say they were wrong to do so. But as to the 'where' they would wear it, I believe that discretion would have to be applied.

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As someone who has been thru sexual abuse I would not wear a t-shirt advertising it...i don't want anyone kiddy gloving me (is that the expression?!?!) because of what i have been through...not to mention its a very personal experience...i don't see what would be the point...what would wearing a t-shirt accomplish?

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It'd be equivalent to wearing a t-shirt stating "My 4 babies have different dads".


It's really really not.


And I think this is the kind of thing the maker is trying to work against.


I think that the t-shirt and the surrounding publicity will raise awareness but I don't think that a lot of women/men are going to wear this t-shirt.


I remember reading about one that read "I had an Abortion". The aim was to highlight how many women this issue touches, and that it's more common than people like to make out and not something that should engender shame.

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That's somewhat disturbing, and I'm not even sure I can articulate why. I would say that generally speaking, I don't like to advertise personal information on my shirt, positive or negative. If it is empowering for someone to wear it, then so be it, but I don't think I would wear it.


I also wonder if some people would even take it seriously. I've seen some pretty outrageous shirts that are supposed to be "ironic".

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I also wonder if some people would even take it seriously. I've seen some pretty outrageous shirts that are supposed to be "ironic".


I think that's the danger - it might not be taken seriously or in the spirit that it is intended. Except, of course, we aren't even sure what it is supposed to be proving either so.

More appropriate would to be to include a web address with stats or help or something. I don't know.

The danger is that it trivializes things and/or is seen as a joke.

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I do not believe it is a positive statement to reinforce victimization of oneself, or a situation.


"I was raped" - it's a victim's cry. It screams to those that like to control or abuse, you're possibly an easy target.


"I overcame the victimization of rape" - quite another statement.

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I do not believe it is a positive statement to reinforce victimization of oneself, or a situation.


"I was raped" - it's a victim's cry. It screams to those that like to control or abuse, you're possibly an easy target.


"I overcame the victimization of rape" - quite another statement.


I agree with this...or something like:

"you had my body you can't steal my spirit"...something strong...but just i was raped...it's just not right!

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this is very disturbing who would want the advertise something like that as if were some kind of badge of honor.


i don't think that is how they are meaning it...i think the point is that a lot of woman who are abused feel ashamed, like they have to hide, that they are no longer desirable...there is so much shame and guilt that goes with being raped that I think they want to give those women their life back and let them feel like they don't have to hide what has happened to them...i get the reasoning i just don't find it effective.

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yeah, I get the reasoning too, but it should have been worded like , 'I was raped, but I'm stronger than ever" or "I overcame rape, you can too", yadda yadda. Just "I was raped" leaves the door open to all types scrutiny.

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I fear that this is not going to be bought by real rape victims but might become a fad for teens just like they dont mind being called who*res and other various deratory terms these days.


I think it is a really bad idea and will likely become some fashion trend and it surely should not be.


IT isnt smoething to be made light of but i think the shirt will make it as such. Young men today already get really bad ideas about how to treat women from rap songs, sheesh i hope that this doesn't get mixed up in that same fad.

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i don't think that is how they are meaning it...i think the point is that a lot of woman who are abused feel ashamed, like they have to hide, that they are no longer desirable...there is so much shame and guilt that goes with being raped that I think they want to give those women their life back and let them feel like they don't have to hide what has happened to them...i get the reasoning i just don't find it effective.


I don't think broadcasting something like that is a good idea, thats something that is personal and to me wearing something like that screams "I want attention and pity" No you shouldn't be ashamed of being rape, it's not your fault, however their is no need to broadcast it. Thats running around with a shirt that says "My dad beat me with a belt when I was younger" or "I have bipolar disorder"


It almost seems like a sick joke.

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It's not a particularly nice topic to think about, but it is just a T-shirt. It's clear to me that such a thing is just for shock value, which happens to be what a lot of fashion is about these days. People are wearing things that are tighter and skimpier, vulgar and more shocking. The best thing you can do is to not react to it because that's what the wearers want. It impresses their friends and provides a mild thrill when they are noticed by strangers.


I wouldn't be thinking that someone who wore this actually WAS raped, by the way.

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Put it this way......I was in a bank awhile back and the teenager was wearing a shirt that in neon green said "Question ALL Authority".


The teller asked him a question, she took his answer as being contradictory and combative......and before you know it he was up against the wall, in handcuffs, by the armed security guard.


With good reason....while what he was doing or saying might not have been intended to be combative, what he was wearing in conjunction with his question appeared to make him combative in character....and nobody was going to wait for his character to emerge thru his fists or a gun.


"I was raped" - that can be taken in a variety of ways. And the reaction to it is going to be in alignment with the person reading it. The person wearing it might find themselves stared at, moved away from, avoided, they might find themselves hugged by a stranger trying to show compassion for thier victimization, they might find themselves with numerous offers from males inappropriately to show them a good hard time vs. an assault.


The person wearing it - would want to take thier heart off their sleeve, their objective mindset with them at all times, and their awareness of all people and situations as it unfolds around them every moment.

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It's a terrible and insensitive idea. Many survivors could be subject to flashbacks and panic attacks upon being exposed to such a slogan. They should never be forced into public confrontation with their fears.


I have a better suggestion. Currently, convicted and jailed sex criminals are held sequestered from general inmate populations because they would be routinely attacked and sometimes killed if they were not. Remove this special privilege for rapists and I think we'd start to see their numbers dwindle very quickly by the dual action of enhanced deterrence and removal from the gene pool.

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