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Not. To me, any gift is a sign that my SO cares about me. Who cares where they got it from. It's the thought that counts.


My ex worked at a store that sold luggage and leather goods. In the beginning he got me a nice backpack for my laptop. He also got me a pricey leather wallet (which I still use). Stuff like that. It didn't matter to me that he got a huge discount. It was the thought that counts.

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I really would not care as long as it was nice and not some junk. One of my friends worked at a coffeeshop and gave me coffee for a gift. I thought that was nice and it was great coffee. It showed that she wanted to get me a gift and one that I would appreciate without breaking her bank.

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If it's a store that has things I like, absolutely not. Would kill to have a boyfriend who worked at Anthropologie or JCrew so I could get discount clothes ... don't know of many straight guys who would work at Anthro though!


If he's obviously just buying from the place where he works to save money even though you don't like things from that store ... like, buying me work-out clothes (not into that), because he worked at footlocker or something ... yeah I might think that was a bit cheap.


Bottomline, if the present was thoughtful, it would not matter how much it cost or what kind of discount he got on it.

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For me, it's not the money that was put behind the gift, but the thought and love. My boyfriend can't really afford to buy me gifts anyway because he's going to school and has to pay for his tuition and books and such, so he draws for me instead; since he likes to draw and is pretty talented at it. I cherish his drawings because I know he puts a lot of love behind them. =)

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If the guy was a Mercedes dealer, you might not mind...




why question this? he made a nice gesture. what if the item was out of stock at his particular store and drove accross town to get it for you, but still at his store, is it still not special?


you girls i swear. first it's 'he never buys me anything' then it's 'he used his discount'? you aren't appreciative? he bought something thinkin of you.

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lol u dont believe me? I was just curious considering I work at a nice store, but I donno if I would buy anything for him there...look at my post again...I never said about anything with my personal life...and that would be hard for him to do since he works at a restaurant

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I think you're living in the future- projecting into a time where you believe gift giving will be appropriate.


I recommend living in the present, and if you want to buy him one - do. He might buy you a gift card to the restaurant at some point as well.

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