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Loss of pet has me sad and upset

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In early November, my girlfriend acquired a cute baby Chihuahua that her and I grew very close to.


Unfortunately, the dog was always kept in a cage inside my girlfriend's house (everyone left for work, didn't want the puppy to roam free and poop all over the house). Her brother and his family plan to move back into my girlfriend's house in a few months, and so a lot of renovation has been underway there for the past weeks.


Two nights ago, my cell phone battery died and so I turned off the phone to charge overnight. I woke up the next morning and heard a message in which my g/f was weeping heavily. Scared that something terrible happened, I called her and found out that the puppy died.


My g/f's mom left the cage door open, and everyone suspects the dog got to some rat poison that was hidden somewhere around the house (the house was a mess because of the renovation - things were scattered everywhere). My g/f tried calling my cell several times in hopes that I would answer and help her get the dog to a hospital before it died, but I didn't wake up and turn the phone on again for several hours. The puppy died in her arms.


Friday was very difficult for both of us. She couldn't stop crying and it was the first time I shed tears in front of my girlfriend.


I think this has affected me a great deal because it was the first dog I've gotten close to in my whole life. In my house we've always had cats. I loved going to see the dog because she was always so hyper and full of life. Once you let her out of that cage, she wouldn't stop running around and playing. Every time the dog saw me she'd run towards me and try to climb up my shoes (she was really tiny). It hurt to see her locked in that cage - she'd always stand and claw her way up so that I could pet her.


After this took place, my g/f and her family learned a few hard lessons. For one, I know that house just wasn't the right environment for the dog. If only the backyard were enclosed and free of any maintenance/renovation activity, perhaps they could have left the dog roam free back there. I would never be able to keep an animal locked up in a cage all day. I have a deep sense of empathy, even for animals. It hurts so much that this little puppy - filled with life - died after coming to this world a mere 6 months ago. I wish I could have had the cell phone on as well (makes me feel guilty to some level).


Has anyone had a similar experience? A few words of solace would help a lot.



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i'm soo sorry that has happened to you. i'm not sure my words would help, but i went through something similar with my first dog, as well. she had internal bleeding and we didn't know until it was too late. she was a strong girl and never whined so we didn't know. we had to put her to sleep because she was in too much pain and too sick to recover.


i cried for days, non stop. i got sick eventually from that. it was so sad, i still dream of her occasionally. miss her a ton. losing a pet is really hard, my hearts with you.

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yes, i have had a similar experience. I lost my baby in December, a week before christmas. She was a four year old mini dachshund and the sweetest dog i have ever known. I am not just saying that, she really was. My older dachshund i love so much but she is not even as sweet as my baby skittle. She suffered a back injury that left her paralyzed and her vitals went downhill in the span of a week and I had to put her down.


Gosh, just typing this brings tears. These little critters really get to you. For dog lovers they become one of the family.


Every dog i have ever owned had its own personality and was very special to me.


I am sorry for your loss.


I miss Skittle.

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I am so sorry about your pets, I know how bad it feels to lose one. They are like your child. Very hard to get over. I don't think people realize it's almost as sad as losing a human being.

Very sorry, time will only heal as days go by, Best wishes to you.

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I'm so sorry this happened.


This is the downside of having pets. We grow so attached and fond of them that it's such a heartbreaking experience when they go. I've had pets all my life and been through that a couple of times. The pain's always the same. I have a few chihuahuas of my own...they're really old now but still very full of life and playful. I've had them since I was a little girl and boy have they made my life so much better, I couldn't imagine my life without them.


All I can tell you is that I'm really sorry this happened, it must be even harder losing a puppy to an unnatural cause. Oh and do not feel guilty. There probably wasn't anything you could do anyway...it was still a puppy and thereforeeee very vunerable and not as able to resist as an older dog would.


You'll see that as time goes by it'll help you heal. Hugs.

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I am about to experience the loss of a dear pet. I don't know how long she has, but I know it isn't too long, and it's heartbreaking.


I am sorry about the loss of the puppy. You're right, it just wasn't a good environment for him, probably, but it's a good lesson in "puppy-proofing" a home to keep pets safe.

I can't imagine how painful that phone call must have been for you. Pets are so hard to lose because they give us such a pure, unconditional love. Plus, they're cuter than heck, so they're impossible NOT to love!


I hope that someday you will be able to get another dog and enjoy its company for many years.

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I've had small dogs. They are more delicate than a large dog, and honestly, being in the crate in an environment where things might fall or it might get bitten by another animal is likely the best. I'm sorry as heck this happened to you. I've had my pet tragedies, like everyone, and it's like losing a family member.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm very sorry this happened. I was at the pet hospital last night visiting my dog and two girls came in with their dog. They tried to do CPR and the dog died.


I can completely understand your sadness, as my pup has been hospitalized for two weeks now and undergone three surgeries. Good news is he is doing pretty good today.


I don't think a lot of people understand how horrible it is to lose a pet. Don't feel guilty about the cell phone thing. Things happen.

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