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Based on these hints, did I get the job?

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I had an interview this past week with a great company. I was first interviewed by the HR rep, followed by an interview with the VP of Finance and finally an assistant manager.


Here are hints I picked up during the 3 interviews. Not sure if they're sufficient to conclude I may have gotten the job:


-HR Rep said I applied for the job quickly after it was first posted (which may indicate I was one of the first, if not the first, to get interviewed)

- HR Rep handed me a folder with sales sheets and information detailing company benefits, brochures, etc. (not sure if that means anything - they might just hand that to all candidates)

- VP said they look to make a decision by next week

- All 3 gave me their business cards and all 3 said I can call if I have any questions

- All 3 had sunny, positive dispositions - told me a lot about the company, position, and asked lots of questions

- HR and Assistant Manager, for the most part, maintained straight eye contact throughout the interview. VP would look away once in a while.

- VP asked me when I'd be available to start

- HR rep asked what my desired range is... I said I preferred to defer that until an offer was made... She then said that sometimes it comes down to one potential getting knocked out because he or she isn't unsure of the salary and leaves it blank... so she wanted to make sure at least something general was noted.

- HR rep showed me around as we walked from room to room. She also spoke to me about company policies (business casual, etc.) After the final interview the assistant manager went in the elevator with me and walked me out after reaching the lobby

- VP would follow most of my responses by saying "good"


I found out earlier that day that my sister is friends with a girl who works at the company (not in the same department I'd be working in, though). I made sure to mention this during all three interviews. The VP and Manager didn't know who I was talking about, but the HR rep said the name sounded familiar and she took note of it. My sister also asked her friend if she could put in a good word for me.


I gave the vp and manager 2 letters of recommendation during the interview and two cover letters (addressed to them individually)


I already sent all 3 of them unique thank you letters.


So based on all this info is there a good chance I'm in, based on the experiences you guys have had?

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Well first of all, congratulations on the job interview! It sounds like it really well and it sounds like you made a good impression. A lot of what you describe is standard for a good interview. In other words, they did their job by giving you the information you needed and helping you to feel comfortable, while at the same time gathering the information they needed. Since you were quick to reply, they will need to interview other people. So all you can do right now is wait. You won't know for sure whether they're interested in another interview or in hiring you until you hear from them. If they don't call in a week, call to follow up and express your interest. Also, feel free to call them to ask them questions if there's anything you didn't get a chance to discuss in the interview.


You were wise to hold off on salary discussions. Salary negotiations don't take place until an offer is made. And if they do offer you a job, make sure to get the offer in writing. Good luck!

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