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Scared to accept this job - need advice

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I've been searching for a job now for 4 months. I've turned down a few offers for various reasons (not related to my field of study, too much travel, etc.)


Long story short, I got an offer recently from a small business close to my house. Although it's a place where I'll probably learn a lot, I'm having serious doubts about accepting the job.


For one, I would be working closely with the owner of the company, who appears to be very tough and demanding.


When I Googled the name of the company, I found a link to the blog of a girl who used to work at the company. The girl was apparently quitting around that time and couldn't have been more disgruntled. She claimed to work 60 hour weeks, have 15 minute lunch breaks, and simply couldn't stand the boss. She says she'd go in at 7am and sometimes leave close to 10 pm. (By the way, the day starts at 7am there, not 8 or 9am).


The boss lady can't even give me a definite time for when the day is over ("we try to leave at 5 pm"). Whenever I think of this job and the prospect of working there, my stomach starts churning with angst. A few days after the interview, she brought me in for an "orientation" and some hands-on work to see how I would like to work there. That "hands-on work" turned into a 6-hour workday, and I'm still not even an employee there yet.


She also asked me how I felt about working on Saturdays. She said I might have to come in only 2-3 Saturdays a year but somehow I'm not totally convinced of that.


Last week I was really starting to get depressed about not having a job. (In a way it's my fault I don't, because I've turned down offers.) But I'm starting to think that maybe I should search a little more and not accept this seemingly stressful job out of desperation. The pay is not a big deal, and she doesn't even pay overtime in spite of possibly having to work 60 hours a week. The boss herself told me there has been a lot of turnover with this position.


My gut is telling me not to accept it, but I might find myself searching 1-2 more months.


Any feedback would be great. Thanks in advance

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Can you afford to keep turning down jobs? Are you having financial troubles, or will you in the near future?


If you can afford to not work, then don't take a job you don't want, but sometimes it is easier to find a good job while already working. People wonder why there is a large gap in your employment history.


If you have turned down lots of jobs and it has been a long time since you worked and you need the money i'd say take the job and keep looking for a better job at the same time. But if you have plenty of money and know you really will find a job in a month or two, then don't.

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Why not take the job and still continue your job search? Nothing wrong with being proactive. Taking the job doesn't mean you are bound and gagged there for life. It is much easier to find a job when you already have a job so take it and keep looking and if something better comes along take it.


I dont advise people jsut walk out on jobs but if it doesn't work out for you then at least you know you were continuing to network and be proactive.

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Truthfully, the money isn't really an issue, but I do get depressed at the thought of not having a job right now and possibly not for another few weeks.


Still, I don't want to get myself into something I'll regret and say, "Man if only I had just been a bit more patient I could have found something better."


My issue with this job is that all the red flags are there - mean boss, ridiculous hours/overtime, etc. If the hours were normal I'd have no problem accepting the job. At least other people I know who work overtime get paid for it (by the hour). This job won't be like that, and I'm sure I can find comparable pay somewhere else for much fewer hours. When that will be remains to be seen.

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This is my feedback: if they worked you for six hours (needed something done then, didn't they?) And they did not pay you for that day, you are likely just going to be about that abused if you do choose to work there.


REMEMBER THAT WORKING SOMEWHERE IS A CHOICE! I can think of plenty of places that I should have run screaming from. And there are two pointers in the info that you've told me: disgruntled former employee, and small business. You have nowhere to go up in that company, only some experience to gain if this is the first time in that field. But they may be spiteful about giving you the great reference you deserve when you leave, and that could make the whole job a waste of time.


Do not work there. I predict a short abusive employment!



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Listen to your heart. If you go into a job expecting it to be problematic, it probably will be. I would recommend that you continue looking.


That boss sounds quite abusive. Small businesses can be the best places to work or the worst (sometimes at the same time). Often small business owners put a lot of time and effort into building their businesses that they can't recoup in profits at first. Unfortunately some of these owners, who often know how to manage the business but not how to manage people, expect the same kind of work ethic from their employees, but unfortunately, while the owner sees a benefit from her efforts the common employee probably never will, so most of us aren't willing to give that kind of effort.


IMHO, it sounds like a horrible place to work. If you don't need the job right now then I'd say don't take it.

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