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Please help me reason this job situation...

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I applied about 2 months ago for a position at a local company. I never heard from them again until now, but they've actually contacted me for a different position. I never applied for this second position, and it isn't even posted anywhere online (not on their web site, not on job engine web sites, etc.) I'm not complaining because this second one sounds really good (based on the title itself, because a job description is yet to be funished). I'm just trying to piece together how and why they contacted me.


Has anyone experienced this before? Could it be that some companies store applicants' resumes in a database and contact them if a position opens up later on that matches their qualifications? Am I at an advantage if the position isn't posted online?

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if a place really wants you, maybe they tailor a job for you. or they remember and liked you, and they have a new job opening, and they don't want to go to the trouble of posting another ad if they already have someone qualified in mind. i think you are certainly at an advantage now.



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Yes, it happens. I interviewed for one job, and they later called me and said they had another (better) job opening they thought would be perfect for me.


It's usually an EXTREMELY good sign if they call you for a job you didn't even apply for. It means they really want to hire you, even if the job you applied for is a different one.


Go, and interview with confidence!

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