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No more mr. nice guy


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Anyone read the book "no more mr. nice guy. It has got my attention loud and clear. Most of the book, so far, is focused on "nice guys", and how they can change there outlook on their needs vs. the needs of others to help them grow as a "MAN". I also found a website (look on google) that I found interesting. It has a forum like this one, but It has a lot of discussion from men that are trying to break free from this "nice guy" rut that has them relying on others oppinion of them for there own satisfaction.


This book would probably make for good reading for anyone posting on here about needing confidence, their women not respecting them (hard for women to respect a doormat, just like men dont care for overbearing needy women)or the cocky person who has the "fake" confidence. you know that type, the one with the big car, newest clothes, and keeps all there money in there pocket so they can show it off.


Again this is just my two dimes, but If you are lacking in confidence, or feel like you are in a rut, or have a crappy old lady that wont listen to a thing you say, give the book a try, or the online support group on the web site.


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Contrary to what those books say, you don't need to strut your stuff around to impress women.


If you want to get a woman, be assertive but be a gentlemen. Don't smother her with affections early on. Play it cool, kind of like James Bond.


Oh and if she says "You're a nice guy, but lets just be friends..."; don't be her friend, go for what you want, and don't settle for anything less.


Good luck to you

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It has a forum like this one, but It has a lot of discussion from men that are trying to break free from this "nice guy" rut that has them relying on others oppinion of them for there own satisfaction.


I always find it funny when anything designed to help people become more independent and stop seeking approval from others start a forum or disccusion group that lets them all talk to each other and lean on each other for advice and support.

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Here is the truth, world doesn’t work one way. Different people attracted to different types. No one is happy w/ jerks.


There’s book “ why men love b*****s , & others—Do U agree? So ask U’r self would U like to be treated the way U plan to treat her?

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