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Is the company still interested in me? Please help.

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I applied for a position a few weeks ago and was recently informed that the position had been filled by someone who used to work at the company.


However, the interviewer told me he was opening a new position that would report directly to him (the first position would report to someone else) and wanted to see if I was interested. He said he hadn't yet written a job description nor called anyone for interviews, but that he'd send me an e-mail this week to set up a meeting for the following week.


I was bummed out about not getting the original position, but this second one seems pretty good as well. Does the fact that he told me about the position show he's genuinely interested? He could have refrained from telling me anything about it if he weren't (that's my guess). Or, he could have just felt bad about turning me down and felt it'd ease the blow to mention the opening.


I remember telling him during the interview for the original position that I used to be an Accounting major and I excelled at it, but switched to Marketing because I wanted something that offered more creativity. The funny thing is that this second position is a bit more numerical/data-oriented, which might indicate that he thinks I'm better fit for that one?


What do you guys think? After several conversations I feel I've built a good level of rapport with the guy, and maybe this was his way of telling me he still wants me to join his team. Then again, I could be wrong, because he's still going to put up an ad and interview others. I wish he'd just tell me it was mine already.

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Not yet. He said he'd send me an e-mail this week to set up that interview for sometime next week. I think it's because he wants to have everything related to the position in order (job description, etc.) before taking the next step.

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