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Will I Get a 2nd Interview?

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A few days after my interview with a company whose position I'm very interested in, the interviewer replied to my thank you e-mail. He thanked me for the thank you note and said they'd be contacting candidates for follow-ups "over the next week or two," and that I "SHOULD hear from them shortly."


That was March 5th - exactly a week ago. I don't wish to overanalyze this e-mail, but would it have been any different if he had said "you WILL hear from us shortly," or does it really mean the same thing? "Shortly" is such a vague word.


The guy left for Asia that very weekend after the interview, which may also be delaying things a bit. I was thinking that maybe I should call him on Monday to see how things are going, because that would almost be 2 weeks after this reply. Then again, I'm not sure if "over the next week or two" meant one or two weeks from the day of his reply, or "any time within the course of the next two weeks."


Should I be worried and take his reply with a grain of salt, or should I be pretty optimistic that he'll be calling?


Any similar experiences/comments?

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I wouldn't start worrying until probably a week and a half into it. Should, will, etc. don't really mean that much IMO. They're not going to give anything away in that response if there are multiple candidates.

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Well, i'd wait the week or two and don't take it with a grain of salt. They gave you a timeframe in which they would get back to you, so i think you should wait, for the bare minimum. What you need to realise about recruitment is that it is real people doing it and sometimes unforeseen circumstances occur which may distract them from the recruitment process for a while.


I know... i used to be like you, but my advice would be to wait and then contact them. Sometime later this week, to show them you are enthusiastic.


Just make a general enquiry, try not to make it sound personal or desperate.

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