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Am I pregnant! Help...


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I feel like Ive been gaining weight the past 2 weeks or so. When I look at my tummy, I look bigger! Ive been on the pill for over a year now. I'm on Ortho Tricyclone (however you spell it) and I take 3 months worth than have my period. I'm on the first week of my last month before I have my next period. I've always taken my pill regularly. Sometimes I take it a few hours too late because I forget, but I've never gone a day without. My bf and I have been using condoms for the past... maybe 4 months.


I don't see how I could possibly be gaining weight so fast!? I don't eat THAT bad... Could I be pregnant? Just to make sure... I wanted to take a pregnancy test. but I have never understood when you can take them so they are accurate? Helppp

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i gained a bunch of weight on ortho. like went from a size 7 to size 16.


have you had sex recently? if it;s in the last 2 weeks, you woudlnt be able to tell this early. just take a test. i buy boxes with 2 tests in them. that way, i take one, and then i wait a week to make sure the reading is the same. you'll be ok.

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bc normally will eventually make you gain weight, some times gradual and them some times a lot.


but if you have been useing condoms and bc you should be fine.

if not take a preg test. normally you take one a week or two after you had intercourse that you think lead to sex.

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Ya, just weird how after over a year of being on the same pill, I'm just now gaining weight from it. I will definitely take a test just to reassure my bf and I. is there a better pill to take that doesn't cause weight gain... but maybe weight lose!? = Id like that one if there is one...

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This exact thing is happening to me now! I am very careful with the pill (for a year and a half) and with condoms, but lately I've been feeling larger in the middle, and I'm constantly worried even though I've been having my periods. It's good to know I'm not alone!

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Your weight and water gain can actually fluctuate by as much as 5-8lbs in any given week depending on water retention, salt intake, what you are eating, etc. In most women, the abdomen is where the weight shows up first, giving you a bloated "pregnant" appearance.


I wouldn't be too concerned about pregnancy since you are good about taking your pill daily and are doubling up with the use of condoms. If it makes you feel better, take a test to confirm.

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