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When I masturbate..after im done..sometimes my anus hurts...its like a throbbing...the masturbation i do is only clit simulation so its not like i am sticking anything up there...maybe im doing it to hard...it almost feels like contractions maybe...does this happen to anyone else? Does anyone know what this is caused by...


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When I masturbate..after im done..sometimes my anus hurts...its like a throbbing...the masturbation i do is only clit simulation so its not like i am sticking anything up there...maybe im doing it to hard...it almost feels like contractions maybe...does this happen to anyone else? Does anyone know what this is caused by...



That sounds sort of like an orgasm...but it shouldn't hurt...you should get checked out if you're feeling pain.

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no, its only happened in the past like 2 years...


Have you been to your gynecologist since this started? Have you asked them about it? I think you should. I don't think sexual pain is ever normal. There is usually some explanation, something you can do to make yourself more comfortable, or some underlying condition.

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yeah no ive never been...i havent been sexually active yet..but yeah guess i beetter ask some questions


I think the recommendation is that you should go when you turn 18 or when you become sexually active...whichever comes first. Good luck with everything. Of course, it's not an STI but I'm guessing there are a lot of other conditions that could cause pain. It could also be that you may need to be a bit more gentle with yourself.

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I've had some similar types of sensations, though not exactly that.


What's happening is that the muscles in your pelvic floor (which form a kind of "hammock" and stretch accross the perineum [that tissue between the vagina and anus]), when you're sexually aroused, start to contract. Orgasm really is a series of contractions that have built up and then releases, and all the muscles in that region are affected by this. So what you are feeling is almost definitely "contractions" -- your subjective description is quite accurate in terms of what's actually occurring.


Only normally, these involuntary contractions stop after the orgasm, and the resulting release of the muscles is what feels so good. When there is some dysfunction in the way the muscles are behaving, the tightening doesn't "let go" the way it should.


I sounds like your only symptom -- you don't have any pain in the genitals? There are many small muscles that encircle the vaginal opening, and there are layers that share with the anal/rectal area, but it's possible that you are sensing this phenomenon in the anal region only.


The other thing that comes to mind is that you describe "throbbing" -- this might be simply the engorgement of the tissues that accompany arousal. Just as men's erections "throb", so do we ladies when there is a lot of bloodflow there. I've had this feeling, too. When the area is particularly engorged, it takes a while for that to dissipate and in the meantime, it can produce this sensation. Throbbing itself doesn't hurt for me, but if you couple that with muscles that are still "twitching" after the climax, it could be painful.


I don't think it's serious at all, but if the pain is severe and affects your function, physical therapists who "re-train" tight or dysfunctional pelvic muscles can be of benefit, and your ob/gyn can refer you to such a specialist.

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