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Job question - please help

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About a week ago I created a thread explaining how well my interview went with a well-known consumer products company.


Something that bugged me a bit was the commute, and I mentioned during the interview that the company wasn't so close to home. I was clear that local companies had offered x-amounts, and given the distance, I'd be expecting this company to offer something in that very ballpark, if not more. Otherwise, why go so far?


The interview went well, and I had a great time. He told me he'd be having a few phone interviews with other candidates and that he'd be calling candidates for follow-up interviews over the next week to two weeks. He said, "you should be hearing from us shortly."


My question is this:


This second interview will likely take place with a different person. I really want to stress that I'll love driving to work every day because it's a job I know I'll be passionate about. Should I say it just like that, or should I point out that it was a topic we touched upon during the first interview and since that interview I'm convinced the commute wouldn't bother me? I really have no clue whether the first interviewer told the second about the commute issue.


My feeling is that the former - not the latter - is the best way to go about it but I wanted a second opinion on that. How should I approach this?



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If the first interviewer was concerned about the commute or your comments about it then he/she will relay that to the second interviewer as one of the areas to probe into> that is what they do. Any potential redflag is shared with the second interviewer for follow up.


If the second interviewer does not mention it i would not bring it up. That means it was never mentioned as a possible redflag for follow up and was not a concern.


Good luck Double J! Definitely do some soul searching right now and be realistic about that commute....may i ask, what is it about this job that would make you go for that commute if there are local companies offering you opportunities? I commuted for 13 years and all i can say is it SUX.

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Double J,


JadedStar is right. Commuting a long ways to work every morning/evening is going to really suck after a while. I did that for one job. Plus, gas prices are getting even worse.


I admire your perseverance on finding the right job Double J. At my current job, it only takes me 15-20 minutes to drive to work every morning. It's really really really nice, trust me. I really think there might be still be something better for you. Of course, it's your call.

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How long of a commute will it be? I have a very long commute, but luckily I'm able to take the train. But even then, it can get really irritating because I lose so much more time out of my day. My previous job got me home at 3:30-4 every day. Now, it's between 6:30-7. But that's also getting in later... regardless, it can still suck. Be honest about the sacrifices of it.

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