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First there came great knowledge, then there came great hypocrits

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I dunno if its the economy or what. Even when the resume is fine, and they claim to be hiring.......this is a rant.


Never heard back from any online applications except rejection emails. They trust a computer using cheap psychology tactics over Human reasoning. They don't even meet the person before choosing who to interview


If they want good people just interview twice or something. If they ask open ended questions one could nail them using philosopy.


Truth is the only jobs I've gotten were hired pretty much on the spot; only been in one true interview for the public sector.


Oh yeah, psychology is lame, philosophy dominates! Moneymakers are also lames. So are supervisors. Even when promoted those people become dumb f***s.

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If you have a bang-up, killer, professisonal resume that has all the right catch words needed for that position, the computer will pick it up and alert HR. What the right words are depends on what position you are applying for. It pays to have different versions of your resume for each type of position applied for. I have at least 3. If you really want your resume to be noticed, get it done professionally.

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If you have a bang-up, killer, professisonal resume that has all the right catch words needed for that position, the computer will pick it up and alert HR. What the right words are depends on what position you are applying for. It pays to have different versions of your resume for each type of position applied for. I have at least 3. If you really want your resume to be noticed, get it done professionally.



My mom got hers done professionally. Paid like 45 bucks to get it done, and that was too much. The resume looked like crap. Even if you printed a fresh copy off Word, it looked like a phtotocopy. Waste of money,

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