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Daddy Bear

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doesn't it make strangers of us all

they hardly recognize you now

your dropped defense

for recompense

in what your heart allows




and might there be some truth in saying

ignorance is bliss

it takes a kind of fool to find

some magic in a kiss

but I have never known a feeling

even close to this I have with you

so call me fool


I went to a supermarket on my lunch break today. I think it was a Vons or something. Ten thousand different items for sale, all colorful and eye-catching in their ten thousand spotless and dust-free corporate-designed disposable containers. But I'm like, no. I just want one thing. I just want an apple. So I go to the produce section and I pick up an apple. But not just any apple. A perfect apple. I cupped it in my hand and it fit like we were made for each other. I took it up to the express lane. Fifteen items or less. One is less than fifteen. So I had my rights. But the lady who rang me up looked at me like I might be crazy. Clearly, nobody else had the same idea. Nobody else had come for just one thing. "I'm not crazy," my eyes shouted back. "I have the perfect apple. I spent forty-five cents and I'm the happiest man in the world. They're all crazy for buying nonfat, cholesterol free, high-fiber, low sugar antibacterial cereal. It's oats. Plain old oats. They're paying through the nose for it, and they bought it because it came in a spotless and dust-free corporate-designed container with red ink on it. And because they didn't want people to think they were crazy for wanting just one thing." I took my apple and we took our leave.


doesn't it make strangers of us all

they hardly recognize me now

a bridge of sighs

massed butterflies

and feeling I could drown




and might there be some goof in seeing

cooler heads prevail

the warmer ones get all the sun

and thereby hangs the tale

oh, we were so impetuous

the night that I unveiled my love for you

two little fools


two little fools

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i have read this several times already and i expect i will read it many, many more.


is it possible that you have just penned the poem that removes 'March of the Sardonic Pawns' from the top of my best ever list?

i think it might just be.


...you're mind....i just don't have the words to say what i want to say.


this is so beautiful.


marry me?

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