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girls - about being on the phone with guys.


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if a guy calls you, and you don't really feel like talking to him, would you tell him, or say something which would stop the call.


or would you just talk to him, as if you're really interested, for hours and stuff?


if not - what kind of people (guys) would you talk to for hours and sound interested?



for me, if a girl calls me, and i don't want to talk to her, i sound bored, and the conversation is over fast.

If i enjoy talking to her, and like her, the conversation lasts.

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Hey lol, I'm not too sure what you mean. Ok i'm a guy but I'm sure we work the same ways as any girl could, we're all slightly similar in a way and I don't think gender makes that much of a difference.


I talk for hours, I can talk for hours but the person has to at least sound interested or I kno wants to talk 2 me. If i don't want to talk, there'll be a excuse and that'll be the end of it. If I can talk for hours on the fone with a chick and not do so much talking, it'd be because she's really interesting or funny or something or it'd be pretty hard for me to listen for so long.


It kinda works wif everyone though, how do you talk to someone you hate?


Hope that helped.

Happy Heb

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i agree if i really dont feel like talking then i will say so, i wont go on to sound awkward or anything, but obviously if they have rang for an important reason and need to talk then i will talk regardless what mood im in, and i would be interested.


and to the second part, the people i enjoy talking to depends on the moment, and what the conversations are to involve. but usually im really chatty on phones anyway.


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I won't talk to someone for hours unless I want to - there's a ton of polite ways of getting off the phone with someone you don't want to talk to "Hey, I'm sorry, but I really can't talk now, I have to run..."


If I talk to someone for hours it's because I genuinely enjoy chatting with them!

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i personally dont really like talking on the phone, to me its just like talking on MSN or other intant messages, you cant see their facial expressions, so you dont know whether you are boring them or making them happy, upset, angry etc, so i prefer talking to people face to face; that way you can tell if they are interested, if they keep eye contact.


hope this helps

~LJ =;

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hey, well usually when i guy calls and i dont really wanna talk to him, ill tell him that i have someone on the other line, or have someone call me or him. thats what i do. or jsut tell him your busy and that you will call him back later and then call him when you wanna talk. hope i helped.

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I agree that's there's a lot of polite ways to get off the phone.


I remember once I had a problem with my ex-bf (then bf) talking on the phone and inviting chicks over to hang out with him whom he claimed he didn't like at all. He and I would get into arguments about why he would go so far as to invite them over to hang out if he didn't like them at all. He would claim he was just being polite and it would be rude.


Makes you start to think right?


Well if your girl can't politely get off the phone for hours with a dude she claims she doesn't like-- start thinking.


If she starts inviting dudes over to hang out with her whom she claims she doesn't like-- start thinking.


If, after you've confronted her about her talking to people for hours and inviting them over to hang out-- people she claims she doesn't like at all, and she continues to do so-- start thinking.


These are legitimate reasons to feel insecure about your relationship with her especially her inability or lack of motivation to stop the behavior that is making the relationship insecure.

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