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New job, nervous wreck

Double J

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I don't know why, but everytime I start a new job, I am left with feelings of doubt and uneasiness.


I started my first full-time job today, and in more ways than one, it's a major change in my life.


My previous jobs were 15-20 hr/per week jobs, with the last one being an independent contractor type of arrangement where I had no pressure working mostly from home. I had these part-time jobs while a full-time student at my university, from which I graduated in December.


I feel such lack of confidence that it's truly nauseating. I'm worried that I'll fail somehow. I'm fearing not being able to complete assignments within deadlines. The fact that I have to work 8 hours for five consecutive days each week already has me a bit weary because it's simply something I'm not used to.


When I started an internship back in January of 2006, I was told I'd have to put in 20 hours each week. The only way for me to have done that was by going each and every day for at least a few hours. Since I was taking 4 classes, I found it necessary to at least reserve Tuesdays and Thursdays for school. I asked my supervisor if he could limit the hours to 15 so that I'd only have to go Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Luckily he yielded and it all worked out. Still, feelings of nervousness and uncertainty set in as they are right now. Eventually I got used to the job and peformed quite well.


It's safe to say I've had it pretty easy. Could this simply be an extreme case of jitters? I've only been on the job for 8 hours and I'm already taking on a defeatist attitude.

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It's very normal to be nervous about a new job...there are so many unknowns and there is the stress of having to prove yourself to your new boss. I am sure you wil do fine...you will be able to do the work and make deadlines as long as you work hard and work efficiently. You will also get used to your new schedule...it may be hard the first couple of weeks but after a while it won't bother you.

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wow, this is like something I would write. I totally understand where you're coming from. I also did an internship and felt exactly like you...bothered. The hours was so hard to get used to in the first 2 weeks. What can you do...just take a deep breath and hope for the best. Just think this: as long as you tried your best to do the job right, it ain't a failure no matter what. At least, that's what I will tell myself when I get my first full time job! Aiyiyi!

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it takes a little while to get used to longer hours, but once you do you'll wonder why it ever bothered you. and then of course, there's that most glorious day.


paycheck day!


jobs aren't bad, we all gotta have them. some are worse than others. just be glad you don't have to work 12 hour night shifts in -40 degree temperatures climbing up and down steel platforms.

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