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I love him BUT...


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there was some "describe your worst blind date" contest and here was one of the "winners." reminded me of bebe's scenario....


OMG - some people are so bizarro world. My stomach churned reading this one.


Maybe Bebe has been doing this so long she is scared to face the possibility of such a scenario. I would be...

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I'm telling you, this guy has a weight problem, which is evident by his small admission about his 'tire'. That is just the tip of the iceberg, I guarantee it. Been there, done that. There will not be a picture.


Oh, she has the full picture - the only one that matters - she'd just prefer to make excuses for him.

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I have been dying of anticipation for the pic as well. I can't even lie....this is one of my favorite threads to look out for just to see what's going to happen next!



I do hope everything works out well for Bebe though....

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I have been dying of anticipation for the pic as well. I can't even lie....this is one of my favorite threads to look out for just to see what's going to happen next!



I do hope everything works out well for Bebe though....


It's like a reality show on our own little eNA. Notice it is all the chicks.

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She'll never get a pic from him; because 1) she does not stand up for herself and 2) because of #1 he does not have to.


It's quite sad really - because she is deluding herself into thinking this is all above board; and justifying it as meaning there is "more" love because she does not care how he looks. No way after this much time should there still be these excuses.


Either he will "disappear" before they ever meet; or will be someone totally different than he has portrayed to be.


I too would almost guarantee he is either MASSIVELY obese; MUCH older than he has claimed; married/attached; living with the parents he uses as a "forwarding address" or using them to avoid answering for strange mail that his WIFE comes accross if they are delivered to him, or any combination of those.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Bebe,


Have to make sure the address given is legit as his parent's... How? Not easy. A work number would be good & then being sure to call.


But question - don't you find it strange that he was/is planning a trip with you & willing to actually meet you in person but won't send a photo?


If you are to meet him, maybe you could ask the adult male friend you were going to tell about the whole thing as a safety back up to be at a table over from you (or somewhere within close proximity) to watch out for you. If nothing happens nothing is lost but if anything gets strange at least you are protected...

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Lol you guys are too funny. I just read all those last posts


So like I said, he gave me his parent's address because I told him I wanted to send him something (which was a lie but you guys made me tell him that!). He had no problem with that, he gave it to me. A couple of days later he asked me when I was going to send him the package, because he wants to tell his dad before the move. I asked him, "Ohh, when are your parents moving?" He said, "It looks like my brother is moving to another city because his company sent him there, and he's asked me what I think about taking them with him. I thought it was a good idea." (His parents are elderly people). I told him that it was ok, that I would keep the gift until we saw each other in person. He said perfect. He said I could still send the package but to tell him beforehand so that he can notify his parents so that they can expect it. But we agreed on me keeping the package and giving it to him in person.


He also asked me for my address because he's been wanting to send me a gift. I told him I'll give him a friend's address instead because I don't want anybody in my house opening my stuff, they wouldn't really, but just in case. He said ok. He also asked if he could send me a postal card, that it wouldn't get me in trouble, he wouldn't say anything compromising. I have no problem with giving him my address but I decided I'd better not, just for my own safety. So I told him I would send him an email with a friend's address, which I haven't cause he hasn't brought it up again.


Oh yeah and he still hasn't sent me a picture and no webcam lol

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I don't know what to think really. Most of the time he is so sweet and there is NOTHING that makes me the least bit suspectful of him. But then that address thing kind of confused me.

Yes, he lives in a different country right now. He wants to see me this summer, I don't know how though...my mom would never let me and I can't just lie to her.

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That sounds even fishier.


First thing I think of there is either he wants to make sure to intercept any packages that you may send before someone he does not want seeing them sees them; besides, sounds like out of all of that he does not need to worry as you are not sending anything anyway!


He is taking you for a ride. And not the "fun while it lasts" kind, but one that is going to have serious long term consequences unless you stand up for yourself an put an end to this.


I am sorry....but it is absolutely RIDICULOUS that in this day and age that he cannot send you a picture or webcam for your OWN safety and if he cared one iota about your feelings and you, he would.


It's complete BS that he can't figure out how to do it, is shy, or anything else. If my mother can maintain her facebook page and update it with photos all the time; I am sure this guy you are talking to online can manage ONE picture, even if he has to take a regular polaroid and mail it via snail mail or go and get it scanned and email it to you. There is NO excuse; whatsoever.


You keep thinking that this is all above board based on "evidence" that just as easily points the other way and for those whom have seen it read as "classic" diversions and manipulations to keep you deluded just a while longer...

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Yeah I was thinking to myself, sure he wants to know when the package is coming so he can intercept it.


you said his parents are elderly? How old did he say he was again? Like Allie, I don't want to re-read everything.



He just turned 31. His parents are over 60. He's the youngest of his brothers. How could he intercept the package if he doesn't live in the same country as his parents? I did find that address thing a little fishy because moving is a big deal and he usually tells me all the important things in his life, I don't know why he didn't tell me his brother and his parents were moving before.

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He likely gave you a bogus address & made up the story about his parents moving so if you sent something & it was returned... Voila his ready made excuse... Bottom line is the address thing didn't pan out as legit.


I know you don't allow yourself to see these things but they are what they are, as clear as a bell.


I will only repeat until the cows come home - be safe in bringing someone along to the first meeting. Someone who doesn't need to join the two of you (& he doesn't need to know) but just stays within the same vicinity...

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He just turned 31. His parents are over 60. He's the youngest of his brothers. How could he intercept the package if he doesn't live in the same country as his parents? I did find that address thing a little fishy because moving is a big deal and he usually tells me all the important things in his life, I don't know why he didn't tell me his brother and his parents were moving before.


He says he doesn't live in the same country as his parents, but what do you REALLY know?

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I did find that address thing a little fishy because moving is a big deal and he usually tells me all the important things in his life, I don't know why he didn't tell me his brother and his parents were moving before.


I just read that (see my prior reply)... Maybe then, you can see some things that don't add up...


Why wouldn't he tell you something big like that as you say, when he normally would? Think about that one deeply within yourself. He didn't tell you because it isn't true. For whatever reason, even if you want to imagine positive one, at the very least see that you have been lied to here...

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. Well, what can I do? How can I truly find out if he is lying about everything? I'm really in love with him. Most of the time I'm very happy, he makes me really happy, but sometimes I think he's too good to be true.

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I did find that address thing a little fishy because moving is a big deal and he usually tells me all the important things in his life, I don't know why he didn't tell me his brother and his parents were moving before.


I just read that (see my prior reply)... Maybe then, you can see some things that don't add up...


Why wouldn't he tell you something big like that as you say, when he normally would? Think about that one deeply within yourself. He didn't tell you because it isn't true. For whatever reason, even if you want to imagine positive one, at the very least see that you have been lied to here...


But then again, he doesn't tell me EVERYTHING, unless I ask or the topic comes up. He didn't have the chance to tell me before. It doesn't necessarily mean he was lying.

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But then again, he doesn't tell me EVERYTHING, unless I ask or the topic comes up. He didn't have the chance to tell me before. It doesn't necessarily mean he was lying.


So how would you know to ask these things? If he doesn't see the importance of telling you certain things like his family moving or his brother going with him, then maybe the relationship isn't that important to him.

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