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I wrote this for my better half


Valentines Fairy Tale

Once lived a buxom princess,

with a heart of gold.

But alas she was unhappy

and scared what her future did hold.

One day she met a knight of sorts,

from lands she’d never been.

Although his armour did not shine,

his face was far from mean

He told her of his journeys,

his life so brave alone.

She told him of her worries,

he listened to her moan!

She found her heart, It melted

and warmed up to this knight.

But when he tried to kiss her

she put up a phoney fight.

At first our princess was unsure,

If this man, she should trust.

But when he said he loved her,

She knew at last she must.

She ran to him with open arms,

with wings on her heart.

She new they’d stay together,

with him she’d never part


They made a little house,

With a kingdom of there own.

It’s nothing like her castle,

but she never felt more at home.

And so the legend goes,

of a couple fair and true.

Who’s life is full of happiness,

in pastures green and new.

Not all knights do where armour,

Yet they can still prevent the hurt.

Weather top to toe in metal,

Or an Iron Maiden shirt!

Some say it was a legend,

that princess and that knight.

No one can be that happy?

I don’t think they’re right!!

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