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Need to Vent!!!!!

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That psycho ex of mine keeps calling and emailing and texting and God knows what else. She's calling work to see if i'm there, then she started emailing me like crazy because i'm not answering. She's in Freaking Germany, leave me the hell alone.


I'm actually getting a lot better and now she's begging me to talk to her: "Please be my friend at least". I'm so mad because i want her to stop. I finnaly wrote her back saying, there is nothing to talk, leave me alone. You've been lying to me since the day you left. Why don't you just come clean?


Her answer, i told you everything, i'm sorry i lied etc. She's going through hard times. blah blah blah. I'm So MAD!


Then her friend which is here in the states starts texting me... Conicidence? I think not! She starts asking if i talked to her, what am i up to and crap. What is with these girls?


I don't know what the hell she wants. Maybe Money, maybe a favor, who knows. Her last email was, i'll call you tomorrow morning, please answer it, please. WHY??? What can i acomplish by talking to you? Nothing, i'll feel like Crap again. I'm over her... I'm done with her. I will always love her, but I'm done with this relationship. She Left me for another, she thought the grass is greener over there... I was alone for the holidays and crap... She never wished me Merry Christmas or Happy New Year or anything... Why all this crap now?


Well, I'm just venting guys... Thanks for reading... I'm going out with a friend to get a drink... I swear the God i feel like getting in a fight just to get all this out of me. That got me through High-school.



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I changed everything i possibly could except the work email and work cell... That's where she started contacting me like crazy... I can't change any of those....


Thanks for Reply... I actually ended up playing tennis with some friends. I took all that hatred and madness out on those balls

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Hey Robert...either just completely ignore every contact or tell her to respect your wishes and to not contact you again in any way. If she continues text back "do not contact me again", nothing else. If she still continues and it escalates, you could threaten to take out a restraining order...although I don't know if it's possible when someone's in another country. Maybe just the threat of it will get her to back off. Tell her friend not to contact you either. You've done a great job of getting over her...don't let this make you too crazy. She sounds like a nutjob.


I'm glad you didn't get into any fights!!!

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thanks. I'm not going to answer when she calls because it will mess up my whole day and I have some meetings tomorrow.


Thanks for all the support you ladies are giving me. Maybe she realized that grass isn't greener with the other guy. Who knows, but I don't care. I actually feel happy alone... I do get one of those days every once in a while but I'm better. I hang around with friends a lot... I'm buying another car this weekend... I just love it.


What pissed me off the most is her trying to make me feel sorry for he. Telling me how its hard for her etc. Did she think for a second how I was while she was doing her new man? Hell no. I got to stop typing because I'm getting mad again and there aren't any tennis balls around.

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