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How Long Does the 'Honeymoon Stage' of a Relationship Last?


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  • 9 months later...

Me and my girlfriend have been friends for many years before we got together. Now we've only been officially a couple for 11 months (including that 2 month break we had), but does the 18 month honeymoon phase still apply if you were very close friends first?? I mean I feel like our relationship was been tested quite a lot and we have overcome so much as friends and as a romantic couple. We know each others flaws completely and I don't feel like I'm wearing rose tinted glasses at all. Yet I still love her incredibly. What do you think? Still in Honeymoon phase or not?

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  • 4 months later...

My honeymoon stage only lasted about three months probably cause we moved in together after one month. I think if we didn't move in together it would have lasted a lot longer. At first, we couldn't get enough of eachother, I worshipped his every move, now there is doubt and he irks me and doesn't seem to care. Im still going to hang in there for awhile and observe my feelings as I have never done this before but Im older now, 49, and don't want to keep meeting new people.

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