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worried i'm a rebound


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hi everyone,


i started dating this guy in mid-january who just got out of a 3 year relationship. he ended things w/his girl 3 months ago. we've been on several dates (5-6) and i know he likes me...he always initiates contact, he's gotten me a couple of sweet thoughtful presents (nothing BIG but still...), we talk everyday over email/text/phone. it all feels like its moving a little quickly though...we slept together already, and like i said, we've only been dating for about 3 weeks. i guess i'm scared that he's rebounding from his last relationship and he's going to end up hurting me...i've never dated anyone who had just gotten out of a long-term relationship, so i'm not sure what the correct protocol is. anyway, i like him ALOT...he's very cool and we have a lot in common. and i'm already starting to get that feeling that i could potentially fall for the guy. i guess my question is, do i talk to him and tell him what i'm feeling, or should i just chill out and let things play out naturally.


thanks in advance for any advice!

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i know plenty of people who met their future spouse as a 'rebound', so i wouldn't let the stereotype itself scare you off.


are you going too fast for you? i.e., would you be worried if you hadn't heard he'd just broken up with someone? i'd judge more by that.


but it is true that there are some increased risks. a lot depends on whether he was the one who did the dumping. if he's in the mode where if she called and wanted it he'd go running back to her, then that is not good.


i tried to find more information about the breakup and whether it was mutual, or he got dumped and still pines for her etc.

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How is he if you can't see him or call him? If he is Ok with it and doesn't act all "possesive", then I would say you are NOT a rebound.


The easiest way to tell if you are a rebound is if your SO acts as if they can't get by without having 110% of you...

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How is he if you can't see him or call him? If he is Ok with it and doesn't act all "possesive", then I would say you are NOT a rebound.


The easiest way to tell if you are a rebound is if your SO acts as if they can't get by without having 110% of you...


I never thought of it that way...words of wisdom.


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