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I've got a boy! Welcome Luka


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I've finally given birth after all this waiting!!

I was scheduled to be induced Saturday morning but I went into labor on my own that same morning around 4am. I'm super glad about how the whole delivery went. Vaginal birth like I wanted, ZERO tearing! =D


I gave birth to a lovely baby boy named Luka at 6:47pm the 2nd of Feburary 2008. He weighed 8lbs 1oz! He's the quietest baby I've ever seen, so I hope he will keep it up.


He's a blondie with dark blue eyes... he'll be a lady charmer!


We just came back home from the hospital! I'll give you guys more news later but was just too excited not to share.

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Thanks guys!

I just breastfeed Luka and he's fast asleep!

Daddy is gone to get me sushi It's been my big pregnancy craving and they don't exactly serve it in the hospital either. He's a very proud father and looks adorable when holding baby!

I have yet to consume any alcohol; perhaps eventually

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I am glad you don't have to wait anymore!


I would not expect him to stay quiet though (not to be the bearer of bad news, but I know for most of my friends their experience was baby was fine for first couple weeks, then started being less so for a few months!). Who knows though, maybe he will be a strong, silent type!


Best wishes to your "new" family

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